AHC: Al-Capone leads troops for the US Federal Government during a Second US Civil War


So I was reading about Željko "Arkan" Ražnatović on Wikipedia recently, and it seems to me from him along with a few other people whose names elude me right now that, when the rubber hit the road and the situation in Yugoslavia degenerated into civil war, a fair few former criminals ended up fighting for their countries in the war, sometimes leading troops. This shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone of course, people in organised crime are harder than most other civilians are so they'd be good for that kind of situation.

This song is pretty interesting when you realise that the Arkan they're thanking for helping save them from Croatian ethnic cleansing is actually somebody who wrote "Arkan" onto a forged passport so he could rob banks in Western Europe. Something something war brings out the best and the worst in people, he did plenty of the worst bit as well during the war.

Why not have the USA break out into a civil war during the early 20th century and have Al Capone, who in all likelihood would have had the skills necessary to lead a band of volunteers similar to Arkan's Tigers given his pior experience with gang violence, lead soldiers during a Second American Civil war that breaks out around the time he would've been most active. Have him fight for the US Federal Government against some enemy or other, just have there be a civil war with a pro-Federal Government Capone in command of some men.