AH Sequels You'd Like To See

Because I labelled it incorrectly. Obviously. :rolleyes:

(I'm using the Hapsburg method of using rudeness to make my mistakes look like martyrdom :D )

I won't comment on your Strasbourg-sur-Moselle for fear of an attack by Bavarian Space Nazis! :eek:

Ah, well that one can be blamed on Spanish Bloke who did the basemap, unless I moved it by accident at some point.

Actually it's Luxembourg, I think. Lemme check that...

Yup, Luxembourg. Strasbourg would be around north of Bern.
A sequel to 1945 (the one by Forstchen and Newt).

I too would like to see sequels to Peshawar Lancers, Conquisador and to 1945 (Newt).

as much as this book is reviled by the people on this board, I'm surprised to see these comments... but I agree with them. I admit, I hated big chunks of 1945. But, the very end of it, when they were planning how to upgrade the USAF practically overnight and take the fight to the Nazis, made me want to read the sequel... which, apparently, we'll never have...
as much as this book is reviled by the people on this board, I'm surprised to see these comments... but I agree with them. I admit, I hated big chunks of 1945. But, the very end of it, when they were planning how to upgrade the USAF practically overnight and take the fight to the Nazis, made me want to read the sequel... which, apparently, we'll never have...

I agree. I was disapppointed that the sequel never appeared.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again (which, I know, won't necessarily make it ever come true): A sequel or story of some sort set in S.M. Stirling's Drakaverse.

Personally, I'd like to find out if the Alliance for Democracy's descendants ever did find a way to outsmart the victorious-on-Earth Draka. From what I read, it appears both powers are back in some sort of interstellar/timeline stalemate.

I'd like to see the new Cold War in Brimmingham's Axis of Time universe. A sequal to the Foresight War would be great. Also agree that a look at the Ring of Fire Universe in a hundred years or more should be done.
I'd like to see a sequel to Guns of the South.

How about a Guns of the South: Global Dispatches? That is to say, short stories set in Europe, Japan, Oceania, India, South America, even Canada and Mexico, from people not directly involved in the war, yet reacting to it.

(I'm thinking of the Kevin J. Anderson anthology War of the Worlds: Global Dispatches. I know it suffered from continuity problems. I even read a letter from a furious Brazilian angry that no one south of the equator got a mention, and he had in response written a story about a painfully local hero getting involved.)
How about a Guns of the South: Global Dispatches? That is to say, short stories set in Europe, Japan, Oceania, India, South America, even Canada and Mexico, from people not directly involved in the war, yet reacting to it.

(I'm thinking of the Kevin J. Anderson anthology War of the Worlds: Global Dispatches. I know it suffered from continuity problems. I even read a letter from a furious Brazilian angry that no one south of the equator got a mention, and he had in response written a story about a painfully local hero getting involved.)

That would be extremely interesting.
Guns of the South: global would be cool, especially as nobody would really know what actually happened in 1864.

A Fatherland sequel would be cool, especially since the impression I get from the book is that the reich is falling apart -- maybe not more than the SU was in 1964, but definitely on the way out.
I'd personally like to see either:

A) A sequel to the Island in the Sea of Time-verse, I always wondered what would become of a world where the Babylonians had access to firearms...

B) Maybe see someone redo a re-write of the Timeline-191. I know that doesn't count a sequel per say, but it would follow something...

Any other suggestions would be pretty good to, espicially if someone wrote their own follow-up of Guns of the South.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again (which, I know, won't necessarily make it ever come true): A sequel or story of some sort set in S.M. Stirling's Drakaverse.

Personally, I'd like to find out if the Alliance for Democracy's descendants ever did find a way to outsmart the victorious-on-Earth Draka. From what I read, it appears both powers are back in some sort of interstellar/timeline stalemate.


This!:):D Plus sequals to the Axis of Time series and Conquistador.