AH Cliches from Alternate Worlds

Every TL seems to be about India (which always seem to bog down into the complex historical details of the Sub-Continents political scene) or the United States of South America! and there are never any timelines about what would happen if Germany had won the Second World War...
America, a federal democratic republic?! Bah, the most Alien Mutant Gorilla thing imaginable! The only plausible political course for the independent colonies was to invite Henry Hohenzollern to become Emperor.
Oh c'mon how can anyone not have mentioned yet all those timelines where the South lost the second American Revolution, and the United States didn't split into two and went on to become a dominant world power. Those always struck we as absurd wishfufillment fantasies of yankees still pissed off at the fact that they're at best, a third rate power.

You scalawag! How dare you neglect to mention the great Republic of Texas, a beacon of hope, democracy and freedom on the benighted North American continent for almost 170 years now! :-D
You scalawag! How dare you neglect to mention the great Republic of Texas, a beacon of hope, democracy and freedom on the benighted North American continent for almost 170 years now! :-D

Well, at least until it was occupied by the Caliphite of Mexico. :D
Personally I'm sick of all these worthless international organizations. The real world is perfectly stable as it is, but noooooooo, the Red Cross isn't enough - there has to be an international organization of everything. :rolleyes:
Personally I'm sick of all these worthless international organizations. The real world is perfectly stable as it is, but noooooooo, the Red Cross isn't enough - there has to be an international organization of everything. :rolleyes:

You mean the League of Nations, that guarantor of international peace and stability for more than 80 years now?
Personally, I'm irritated of timelines where Chavacano language is so screwed that I suspect there's an intervention from an Alien Space Aswang, especially when it involves my mother tongue Comintano. Also, Philippine-screw timelines and scenarios itself; you know, severe economic problems, oh-so-dirty Manila, over-the-top insurgencies...

Internationally, I never understands TL's were Spain were screwed badly from 1868, especially the assassination of Juan Prim and the establishment of not just one, but TWO, republics. I'm also baffled at the scenarios were Egyptian, Irish and Aramaic languages were being screwed really badly

(OOC: Seven long years since the last post, and I'm afraid that the mod will close this thread. Interesting thread, though!)
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Every ATL I've ever read always has Homo Sapiens surviving and becoming the dominant species on Earth as their POD. Seriously people, they were an evolutionary dead-end! :rolleyes:
More Speculative Fiction than straight AH, but basically every Mecha anime I've seen that has a geopolitical angle tends to divide the world neatly into three superpowers.
Recently, I've recently read some scenarios where Liberia is located in WEST Africa, not in the southern part. I'm not complaining about it because most of them are good, especially "Land of Freedom and Tragedy", but how can you convince freed Southern blacks to live in an inhospitable tropical coast of West Africa? They're already accustomed to the climate of the Southern United States, and southern Africa is more suitable for them.
The Jews survive as a religious minority in Europe after the destruction of the Second Temple. Seriously? When all they have to do to be accepted is convert? Sure, the old fogies will dig in their heels, but not the youngsters! Stupid Jewish Revivalists.

(OOC: I make no apologies)
The Native American nations always get steamrolled. And not even by Mexico, which was the biggest threat to them, but by a giant, libertarian Anglo republic. I mean, how would they even get to Dinetah? By buying Louisiana from France? Where would they get that kind of money?
Communist Korea always falls under the Kims, and becomes an ultra-hellhole.
Korea always ends up under Japanese/Chinese/Russian sphere of influence one way or another. Can't they be neutral territory?
Germany always gets screwed over and somehow loses Two World Wars and has a Fascist Dictator thrown on it, seriously; why people?
And another thing I don't understand is why in absolutely every TL with a PoD after 1862, the Free States always end up annexing the United States.
Maybe out of economic jealousy against the successful Greek Republic and the oversea Greeks, ATL Greece is always described as an bankrupt, corrupted typical Southern European state. Guys, Greece's society, religion and culture are entirely different from countries like Italy and Croatia!
Any else sick of all the Novograd-screws?

Also switching the dominant political identities of the U.S. South and New England around is getting really old. It's just not that realistic the south would be a conservative bastion or New England being a liberal bastion.
The Kennedy brothers always winning the presidency. Yes, Joe Jr. was a war hero, barely surviving the plane crash and the POW camp, was a great governor in Massachusetts, and highly touted as a candidate until he was shot in Dallas. Yes, John died after his boat was sunk and he save the lives of his crew. Yes, Bobby did much as MLK's attorney until he took the bullet meant for King In Memphis. Yes, Teddy was a decent congressman until he almost died in that car accident. He turned his life around with the help of Rev. Billy Graham and was a great political leader until his death a few years ago.

Yet nearly every POD involving them has them elected president at some point, even though it's like whatever devil their father sold his soul to for his fortune cursed the family.