AH Challenge: US Party system like Canada's

With a POD post 1900, get the following:

1. Republicans and Democrats remain the two major parties, with one normally electorally dominant, however;

2. There is a left wing social-democratic party that tends to get between 15-20% of the vote and has a small representation in congress (around 40 reps in the house)

3. An openly successionist party who only gets a small percentage of the national vote (between 10 and 15%), but because of vote splitting in the region of the country it's from, tends to get around 70 reps in the house.

You can have the Republicans and the Democrats evolve slightly different political stances than OTL, and either party can be dominant. Figure out what the Senate and the presidency looks like on your own, since Canada's senate doesn't operate like ours and they have no presidency.
By 1900 New England secessionism is dead (hell, it was probably gone by the 1830s) so I'd say the most likely bet are Neo-Confederates... or perhaps supporters of a new Republic of Texas?
Going with a stronger States right group instead of secessionist don't we something simular to Truman's election year?
US conquers Canada.

We elect the Socialists, and Quebec elects the Bloc.

Its even more like Canada 'cuz it's regional.


Here's a brainstorm:

How about the Green Party some significant gains during the 1990s and becomes a major party by the 2002 midterm elections. As for a successionist party, how about a party that advocates the separation of California from the United States. I pick California because it's a large state with a large number of congressional seats like Quebec is a large province a large number of ridings.


Roedecker said:
As for a successionist party, how about a party that advocates the separation of California from the United States. I pick California because it's a large state with a large number of congressional seats like Quebec is a large province a large number of ridings.

That would be great, since the rest of American would probably be very happy to kick California out anyway.
Anaxagoras said:
Um, pretty much every conversation I have with every other non-Californian American whenever the subject of California comes up.

Most people I've known just like to make fun of California - I've very rarely heard anyone say that the US would be better off without it. For one thing, it would take a huge chunk of our economy with it right away.
Sanity level

Most people I've known just like to make fun of California - I've very rarely heard anyone say that the US would be better off without it. For one thing, it would take a huge chunk of our economy with it right away.

I agree with the statement regarding the economy, but it would raise the sanity level of the rest of the country afterwards. :D
Bulldawg85 said:
I agree with the statement regarding the economy, but it would raise the sanity level of the rest of the country afterwards. :D
I would think that allowing the South to secede would do more in that regard, though... :p
Without California, you Americans would just have to designate another state to be the destination of every whacko and loony in your country! :rolleyes:
California is proof of continental tilt, anything loose will inevitably roll down there at some point. As proof, I give you Election 1980, when California elected Ronald Reagan as president and Jerry Brown as governor.
Suppose Cuba and Puerto Rico were states...

Might the separatist party represent those states.

Then again, I doubt an openly-separatist party would last very long in U.S. politics.