AH Challenge: TL-191 Design a Communist CSA flag

Design a new flag for the CSA from TL-191 in which the Black-led revolution suceeds and the CSA goes Communist.

My first effort (no doubt someone can do better).

Pretty straightforward.

17 stars for the 17 Confederate states ringing a hammer and sickle.
Central star with a black and white shaking hands depicting blacks and poor whites uniting to overthrow the Confederate aristocracy and reconciliation between Black and White people.

tl-191communist CSA.PNG
You know my idea of the Congaree Social Republics flag was the rebel falg of Victoria. Red to symbolise that it's communist and black to symbolise that it is Black dominated. (I would show a picture but I have no idea how to.) ALso if the countrey went fascist the flag would be solid black and if it went liberal it would be the same as the communist flag except for the red being replaced by the colour white. A monarchy would be black and blue with some type of coat of arms.