AH Challenge: Surviving Republic of Yucatan

The republic could have survived, I think, I'm no expert, but it's main problem was the opression of the Mayan minority and that it couden't obtain a foreign sponser that wasn't Mexico. If either Britian, France or the US decided to sponser it however, I think it's chances of survival increase dramticly.
no help :( or is it impossible for the republic to have survived?
I cannot see any likely way. The reason it fell is because they willingly gave up sovereignty in exchange for having the Mexican government stop the Mayan rebels. The Yucatecos could not possibly beat the Mayans on their own, every white man in the peninsula was almost killed and it was almost a stroke of ASB luck that kept the Mayans from completely obliterating them in the first year of the war. And unfortunately, the seeds for the Caste War were sown long before the Yucatan rebelled. The Mayan Free State might keep the name Republic of Yucatan if they wish however, and if Ysidoro Tzib wasn't executed before the batabs could launch their rebellion, the uprising might remain purely political and not as racial as OTL and it could be simply a Mayan-dominated Republic of Yucatan. That is the only way I can foresee it lasting.

@Ostost: The only way they could get help was signing away sovereignty, which is what they did. They formally announced that the first people to help them defeat the Mayans would own the Yucatan. The Mexicans were just to respond earnestly. There was a detachment (can't remember how many) of US Marines that went before the Mexicans, but I think they were just acting on their own, filibustering if you will. They died in waves.

I guess the best answer for the OP would be: Yes, but not the same Republic that declared independence from Mexico. You might be able to get an entity called the Republic of Yucatan, and it could last into the 1900's, but it would not be the one ruled by Miguel Barbachano and other Yucateco creole elites. At best you might get a completely different state but with the same name under Cecilio Chi and Jacinto Pat, and depending on the POD maybe Ysidoro Tzib. Not sure how important he was.

The Republic of the Yucatan that was ruled by the creoles was a doomed nation from the start. Their only salvation would be to suddenly appease the Mayans as much as possible, but given racial attitudes of the time and place, and the fact that Mayans served as serfs, it would be ASB.
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