AH Challenge: Napoleon's North American Empire


As we all know, Napoleons dream of building an empire in N. America ended in 1804 with the Haitian revolt, and the Louisiana Purchase. For this scenario, France is richer, stronger, and Napoleon stops slavery in Haiti and is able to build an empire in North America, starting from New Orleans. Maps, Flags, and other aids are welcome to explain:


+100 survives till now
+50 if it survives till 1900-1950
+10 if it survives till 1815

+200 if it covers all of North America
+100 if it covers the whole USA and the Carribean
+50 if it covers only parts of the USA-and/or the Carribean
-25 if it is only Haiti and Louisiana.

How about covering all of what would today be "Anglo-America," plus Quebec, and parts of the Caribbean, but lacking the pre-1803 U.S. and possibly Greater Florida?