AH Challenge: Hungary-Austria

With a POD no earlier than January 1st, 1500, can you make it so that Hungary and Austria are members of a political entity similar to that of Austria-Hungary under an arrangement similar to that of the Augsleich, but with the Austrians and but with the roles of the Austrians and Hungarians reversed? The history of this entity should parallel that of Austria-Hungary, and there should be as little change as possible outside that neccesary to result in such a change. Bonus points if the Hungarians and the Slavs lord it over the Austrians.

Grey Wolf

Hungary doesn't fall to the Ottomans, becomes a centre of resistance and in time the king succeeds the last Habsburg monarch of Austria, perhaps already having been German Emperor beforehand which he could do through having the Bohemia title too

Grey Wolf
Bright day

Ah 1526- Mohács goes the other way and then all the Habsburgs suddenly die out :). And they gain Austria after some sort of general European war.

And thirteen century self-centered PoD ;)
well... Ottocar Przemysl II wins battle of Moravské Pole (known as Mahrenfeld in german) and becomes HRE. As in OTL The Hungarian dynasty dies out and Wenceslaus II of Bohemia acquieres crown of Hungary for his son, only TTL his younger son. Let us call him Vladilav I (Ladislaus). The Przemyslids acquire the crown of Poland on time and are eventually able to survive early attempts of conquest by Ottomans those seeing coalition of strong states standing firm and not that much to gain turn eastward... Eventually Czech percieved abandonment by the main line in favor of larger Poland sparks rebellion that escalete in Forty Years War. The main Przemyslids line is out of the game soon, but the Hungarian line acquires Austrian lands at the Peace of Palatinate. The rest is history as they say...

Problem with Hungary-Austria is that that for 300 years 3/4 of Hungary were occupied by Turks and magnates had free hand... to change the dynamics after conquest the Austria must be beaten... no badly maulen. But in that case whoever beaten them would probably just keep them...
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