AH Challange: Princess Diana get the "Anne Boleyn Treatment"

AH Challange: Princess Diana gets the "Anne Boleyn Treatment"

After someone posted another "WI Di survived?" thread I decided something had to be done to even things out... so here a small challange:

With a PoD no earlier than 1985 have Princess Diana found guilty of high treason and executed.

Bonus points if she's beheaded.

Edit: just to clarify, I want to exclude scenarios such as "sovs roll in, British Royals given show trial and killed" but anything else is fine.
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I like it. But I think that Russia's going to have to invade Europe for this to happen. ;)


Probably true, buut I had meant by the poms... Guess I'll need to go and edit my first post.

No, no, I understood. I meant that the Russkies would invade and she'd try to secure peace, but being none too bright she'd end up passing them classified info, and when it comes out in the tense atmosphere she ends up before a kangaroo court and is executed. The woman wasn't malign or treasonous by nature, so it'd have to be either an over-reaction to her pacifism or a frame-up.
No, no, I understood. I meant that the Russkies would invade and she'd try to secure peace, but being none too bright she'd end up passing them classified info, and when it comes out in the tense atmosphere she ends up before a kangaroo court and is executed. The woman wasn't malign or treasonous by nature, so it'd have to be either an over-reaction to her pacifism or a frame-up.
Actually, that's a nice idea for being rid of her if I ever get round to writing a proper TL.
As officially written, high treason includes commiting adultary with the spouse of the monarch or the spouse of the monarchs eldest son, or if either of those spouses commited adultary.

Some kind of PoD where this remains on the statute book, and capital punishment is retained is needed.

How about - the Mountbatten headed military coup happens in the mid seventies, bringing back capital punishment and a strict interpretation of the laws. Everything gets back to a semblance of normality, and in the early eighties the country is seen to be having a major moral decline, with Di at the head of the licentiousness, what with her many lovers....

As a sharp shock and to restore British Morals, the dictatorship arrest, tries and convicts Diana and a number of others (Hewitt, Carling? :p) with high treason, and they are executed.
I think that in 1985 we (Britain) still technically had capital punishment for treason which was fairly widely defined.

However to imagine the law being applied in that way is totally ASB.
Oliver Cromwell is ISOTed to 1985 along with the New Model Army. They trigger off a civil war which the Royals offer a determined fight. Unfortunately for the Royals, their armies are finally defeated, but most manage to escape into exile. Princess Di, however, is cuaght whilst trying to smuggle herself out of the country dressed as Prince Charles. She is charged with high treason, by the New Model Army, for being a Royal, then executed accordingly as a warning to the Royals-in-exile never to return to Britain. Britain then becomes a republic with Oliver Cromwell as Lord Protector.

67th Tigers

Diana pisses the Royal off enough that they think it's worth revealing her daliances and have her hung for High Treason.

Beheading was no longer on the statute books by that time.


I can't see it happening, sorry. I can see her becoming so unpopular that she is stripped of her title, but...

I can't see it happening, sorry. I can see her becoming so unpopular that she is stripped of her title, but...


She was stripped of the title Princess, but I do believe the title Lady was hereditary and she could not be stripped of that.
Beheading in 1985 Britain? You may want to know that we don't do this anymore. Even high treason would not merit capital punishment in this country. It may be written in law that high treason is a capital offence but that means zilch in practice. If you take all British law literally, then you could say that it is legal to shoot Welshmen with a longbow within the town of Chester. If you don't believe me, feel free to try it.

67th Tigers

Beheading in 1985 Britain? You may want to know that we don't do this anymore. Even high treason would not merit capital punishment in this country. It may be written in law that high treason is a capital offence but that means zilch in practice. If you take all British law literally, then you could say that it is legal to shoot Welshmen with a longbow within the town of Chester. If you don't believe me, feel free to try it.

There were three capital crimes left on the statute books before signing the European Human Rights Act, High Treason, Piracy on the High Seas and Arson in HM Dockyards.

All three had the sentence of "hanging by the neck until ye be dead".

PS: It is no longer legal to shoot Welshmen, as it would violate their human rights ;-)
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The only way you're going to get this to work by not going completely ASB is by some form of events such as:

- March, 1985: Grigory Romanov succeeds Konstantin Chernenko as Secretary General of the CPSU. Romanov is reasonably reform-minded, in an Andropov-style mindset, but is hampered by his ties to the Soviet military-industrial complex, and, in particular, the chaps 'behind the scenes' who secured his election as Secretary-General....

- (1985-1987) Relations between the US and USSR remain reasonably steady, but intense mutual suspicsion still pervades. There are no moves to disarmament, no Rekjavik, no easing of the general Cold War Atmosphere. Christmas is cancelled.

- June the 17th, 1987: Iranian Revolutionary Guards, in a fit of revolutionary and fundamentalist nut-job fervour board and sieze the Aleksandr Tvardovsky in Caspian Sea. Now this should not be especially important, since both sides in the Iran-Iraq war have been up to this sort of thing on a regular basis, and, you know, this is the Revolutionary Guards we're talking about. But the A-T had a particularly valuable cargo of new missile components, and several chemical and technological traces which should be enough to substantially boost Iranian nuclear aspirations. (Okay, so I don't know that much about military technology) The Soviet Military is reasonably pissed. Long story short, the Soviets are bombing Tabriz and Tehran by this time next week. America is a bit cheesed off, and demands that the Soviets halt bombing operations. The pressure goes oop. Someone gets an itchty trigger finger somewhere near the Berlin Wall/Brandenburg Gate.

- Early August, 1987: Let's just say it's a very unseasonally hot August across much of the Northern Hemisphere.

- September, 1987: Society, Government, Technology, pretty much everything has collapsed in Britain. Life operates no higher than at the level of local communes in much of the isle. People start to begin to feel distinctly peckish after a time and start to look at the body of Mr Davidson from two doors down in a slightly different way, especially after the first wisps of Winter (Nuclear or not, no-one's quite sure) begin to be felt. The Isle of Mann is now the dominant super-power of the Isles; marrying your sister/brother is made compulsory, strictly for natalist reasons, you understand. A small party of Goths have the good sense to flee Leeds before it goes up in a nuclear fireball, and establish themselves at Ripon, quickly overcoming the gawping and depelted natives. The resources of the local area are devoted to finding a way of crimping hair without the use of electricity, together with finding a natural substitute for hairspray. Progress is reportedly recorded as "slow". Nevertheless, the leader of the party begins to ponder if they'll have the strength to add Whitby to their little commune in twenty years' time. They might even celebrate their entry with a festival of some sort. The Goth 'leader' also begins considering how they'll acquire silk and velvet for her resplendent triumphal dress.

A week later, an only partially-willing fishing wallah is poked into a motor boat outside Bridlington harbour with instructions to sail to China and establish a trading relationship.

Along the South coast a military junta has taken charge of what remains of the British central government and the chaps with short back and sides and fuck-off naval uniforms are quite decisively in control, presided over by an ageing but commanding Sir Archie David Stirling. The fact that most of the country is a green and pleasant luminous irradiated post-nuclear holocaust shithole doesn't seem to bother him that much. What does bother him is that there's no grouse season this year. Alas!

The immediate Royal Family is gone, of course, apart from, miraculously, the Princess of Wales and tiny Prince Harry. But Stirling has no wish to be one-upped by a trolope with a possibly subversive taste in politics, and proclaims the Prince illegitimate, and Diana a whore; in typically grandiose style, it's consolidated as a charge of 'High Treason.' It's a nasty little scene in the government bunker outside Winchester. Much tugging at forelocks. The Lady Sarah Chatto, being the next in line who is both identifiable and certfiably still alive, is produced and proclaimed Elizabeth III. The reign of the Windsor-Armstrong-Jones 'dynasty' begins. Stirling is proclaimed regent. (Regent of what?! - but no-one dares ask him that, of course.)

On a nasty, horrible, really quite chilly Winter's day in November, Diana is lead out to the front of the rather tatty semi-ruins of Winchester Guildhall, and her head is struck from her body. The assembled mob of partially diseased louts and canibalistic multiple murderers and rapists cheers. Prince Harry is handed over to them for 'Pudding.'

274 Years Later...

Whitaga Gothia and Mannina are at odds again. Will the problems associated with Whitaga's occupation of Pluto's inner surface mould never cease? The Manninan surface media is filled with much self-righteous carping about the so-called 'Unfilial' Whitagans. The Whitagans in turn lambast Mannina for allowing the sale of the only-known extant copy of Alice by 'the Sisters' [of Mercy] (Who are regarded as almost semi-divine in some quarters - Andrew Eldritch is mythologised as a Woman) to a private Nu Yaeschburg dealership. The Manninans are uncultured, barbaric, incestuous, short-haired savages. You just can't trust any society run by men. Anyway, back in the Silver Period Goths were rightly seen as being of the superior culture. And so on.

Britanwia is, of course, as always, playing it cool. Tut-tut. Perfidious Britanwia...

(Okay, so a little ASB.)
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The only way you're going to get this to work by not going completely ASB is by some form of events such as:

- March, 1985: Grigory Romanov succeeds Konstantin Chernenko as Secretary General of the CPSU. Romanov is reasonably reform-minded, in an Andropov-style mindset, but is hampered by his ties to the Soviet military-industrial complex, and, in particular, the chaps 'behind the scenes' who secured his election as Secretary-General....

- (1985-1987) Relations between the US and USSR remain reasonably steady, but intense mutual suspicsion still pervades. There are no moves to disarmament, no Rekjavik, no easing of the general Cold War Atmosphere. Christmas is cancelled.

- June the 17th, 1987: Iranian Revolutionary Guards, in a fit of revolutionary and fundamentalist nut-job fervour board and sieze the Aleksandr Tvardovsky in Caspian Sea. Now this should not be especially important, since both sides in the Iran-Iraq war have been up to this sort of thing on a regular basis, and, you know, this is the Revolutionary Guards we're talking about. But the A-T had a particularly valuable cargo of new missile components, and several chemical and technological traces which should be enough to substantially boost Iranian nuclear aspirations. (Okay, so I don't know that much about military technology) The Soviet Military is reasonably pissed. Long story short, the Soviets are bombing Tabriz and Tehran by this time next week. America is a bit cheesed off, and demands that the Soviets halt bombing operations. The pressure goes oop. Someone gets an itchty trigger finger somewhere near the Berlin Wall/Brandenburg Gate.

- Early August, 1987: Let's just say it's a very unseasonally hot August across much of the Northern Hemisphere.

- September, 1987: Society, Government, Technology, pretty much everything has collapsed in Britain. Life operates no higher than at the level of local communes in much of the isle. People start to begin to feel distinctly peckish after a time and start to look at the body of Mr Davidson from two doors down in a slightly different way, especially after the first wisps of Winter (Nuclear or not, no-one's quite sure) begin to be felt. The Isle of Mann is now the dominant super-power of the Isles; marrying your sister/brother is made compulsory, strictly for natalist reasons, you understand. A small party of Goths have the good sense to flee Leeds before it goes up in a nuclear fireball, and establish themselves at Ripon, quickly overcoming the gawping and depelted natives. The resources of the loca area are devoted to finding a way of crimping hair without the use of electricity, together with finding a natural substitute for hairspray. Progress is reportedly recorded as "slow". Nevertheless, the leader of the party begins to ponder if they'll have the strength to add Whitby to their little commune in twenty years' time. They might even celebrate their entry with a festival of some sort. The Goth 'leader' begins considering how they'll acquire silk and velvet for her resplendent triumphal dress. A week later, an only partially-willing fishing wallah is poked into a motor boat outside Bridlington harbour with instructions to sail to China and establish a trading relationship.

Along the South coast a military junta has taken charge of what remains of the British central government and the chaps with short back and sides and fuck-off naval uniforms are quite decisively in control, presided over by an ageing but commanding Sir Archie David Stirling. The fact that most of the country is a green and pleasant luminous irradiated post-nuclear holocaust shithole doesn't seem to bother him that much. What does bother him is that there's no grouse season this year. Alas!

The immediate Royal Family is gone, of course, apart from, miraculously, the Princess of Wales and tiny Prince Harry. But Stirling has no wish to be one-upped by a trolope with a possibly subversive taste in politics, and proclaims the Prince illegitimate, and Diana a whore. It's a nasty little scene in the government bunker outside Winchester. Much tugging at forelocks. The Lady Sarah Chatto, being the next in line who is both identifiable and certfiably still alive, is produced and proclaimed Elizabeth III. The reign of the Windsor-Armstrong-Jones 'dynasty' begins. Stirling is proclaimed regent. (Regent of what?! - but no-one dares ask him that, of course.)

On a nasty, horrible, really quite chilly Winter's day in November, Diana is lead out to the front of the rather tatty semi-ruins of Winchester Guildhall, and her head is struck from her body. The assembled mob of partially diseased louts and canibalistic multiple murderers cheers. Prince Harry is handed over to them for 'Pudding.'

274 Years Later...

Whitaga Gothia and Mannina are at odds again. Will the problems associated with Whitaga's occupation of Pluto's inner surface mould never cease? The Manninan media is filled with much self-righteous carping about the so-called 'Unfilial' Whitagans. The Whitagans in turn lambast Mannina for allowing the sale of the only-known extant copy of Alice by 'the Sisters' [of Mercy] (Who are regarded as almost semi-divine in some quarters) to a private Nu Yaeschburg dealership. The Manninans are uncultured, barbaric, incestuous, short-haired, savages. You just can't trust any society run by men. And so on.

Britanwia is, of course, as always, playing it cool. Tut-tut. Perfidious Britanwia...

(Okay, so a little ASB.)

Heh, a good try, but I don't see Reagan getting real upset over the Soviets dropping bombs on Tehran and Tabriz. I'm thinkin, in the wake of the hostage crisis (even though it was 7 years earlier) he's sitting back popping jelly-bellies and having Nancy explain the subtitles to him.


There was an incident back in 1982 when a British soilder put a burning Argietinian out of his misery, something that the bad guys protested at first, learnt the facts, and then withdrew the protest. What happens if Di has an epipany and declares this a case of prima facia murder and demands that the entire force sent to the falklands stand trial for war crimes? Natually, this doesn't get very far, as Maggie is in the driving seat, but Di keeps sprouting her mouth off and parliment is getting the heat from soilders and relatives of soilders and people who don't want to hand the island over to the UN to produce a magnifcently biased verdict...

Eventually, someone charges her with treason, strips her of her title, and orders her to leave the country, perhaps without her brats.

OK, maybe just a little ASB...



Monthly Donor
The only way you're going to get this to work by not going completely ASB is by some form of events such as:

- March, 1985: Grigory Romanov succeeds Konstantin Chernenko as Secretary General of the CPSU. Romanov is reasonably reform-minded, in an Andropov-style mindset, but is hampered by his ties to the Soviet military-industrial complex, and, in particular, the chaps 'behind the scenes' who secured his election as Secretary-General....

- (1985-1987) Relations between the US and USSR remain reasonably steady, but intense mutual suspicsion still pervades. There are no moves to disarmament, no Rekjavik, no easing of the general Cold War Atmosphere. Christmas is cancelled.

- June the 17th, 1987: Iranian Revolutionary Guards, in a fit of revolutionary and fundamentalist nut-job fervour board and sieze the Aleksandr Tvardovsky in Caspian Sea. Now this should not be especially important, since both sides in the Iran-Iraq war have been up to this sort of thing on a regular basis, and, you know, this is the Revolutionary Guards we're talking about. But the A-T had a particularly valuable cargo of new missile components, and several chemical and technological traces which should be enough to substantially boost Iranian nuclear aspirations. (Okay, so I don't know that much about military technology) The Soviet Military is reasonably pissed. Long story short, the Soviets are bombing Tabriz and Tehran by this time next week. America is a bit cheesed off, and demands that the Soviets halt bombing operations. The pressure goes oop. Someone gets an itchty trigger finger somewhere near the Berlin Wall/Brandenburg Gate.

- Early August, 1987: Let's just say it's a very unseasonally hot August across much of the Northern Hemisphere.

- September, 1987: Society, Government, Technology, pretty much everything has collapsed in Britain. Life operates no higher than at the level of local communes in much of the isle. People start to begin to feel distinctly peckish after a time and start to look at the body of Mr Davidson from two doors down in a slightly different way, especially after the first wisps of Winter (Nuclear or not, no-one's quite sure) begin to be felt. The Isle of Mann is now the dominant super-power of the Isles; marrying your sister/brother is made compulsory, strictly for natalist reasons, you understand. A small party of Goths have the good sense to flee Leeds before it goes up in a nuclear fireball, and establish themselves at Ripon, quickly overcoming the gawping and depelted natives. The resources of the local area are devoted to finding a way of crimping hair without the use of electricity, together with finding a natural substitute for hairspray. Progress is reportedly recorded as "slow". Nevertheless, the leader of the party begins to ponder if they'll have the strength to add Whitby to their little commune in twenty years' time. They might even celebrate their entry with a festival of some sort. The Goth 'leader' also begins considering how they'll acquire silk and velvet for her resplendent triumphal dress.

A week later, an only partially-willing fishing wallah is poked into a motor boat outside Bridlington harbour with instructions to sail to China and establish a trading relationship.

Along the South coast a military junta has taken charge of what remains of the British central government and the chaps with short back and sides and fuck-off naval uniforms are quite decisively in control, presided over by an ageing but commanding Sir Archie David Stirling. The fact that most of the country is a green and pleasant luminous irradiated post-nuclear holocaust shithole doesn't seem to bother him that much. What does bother him is that there's no grouse season this year. Alas!

The immediate Royal Family is gone, of course, apart from, miraculously, the Princess of Wales and tiny Prince Harry. But Stirling has no wish to be one-upped by a trolope with a possibly subversive taste in politics, and proclaims the Prince illegitimate, and Diana a whore; in typically grandiose style, it's consolidated as a charge of 'High Treason.' It's a nasty little scene in the government bunker outside Winchester. Much tugging at forelocks. The Lady Sarah Chatto, being the next in line who is both identifiable and certfiably still alive, is produced and proclaimed Elizabeth III. The reign of the Windsor-Armstrong-Jones 'dynasty' begins. Stirling is proclaimed regent. (Regent of what?! - but no-one dares ask him that, of course.)

On a nasty, horrible, really quite chilly Winter's day in November, Diana is lead out to the front of the rather tatty semi-ruins of Winchester Guildhall, and her head is struck from her body. The assembled mob of partially diseased louts and canibalistic multiple murderers and rapists cheers. Prince Harry is handed over to them for 'Pudding.'

274 Years Later...

Whitaga Gothia and Mannina are at odds again. Will the problems associated with Whitaga's occupation of Pluto's inner surface mould never cease? The Manninan surface media is filled with much self-righteous carping about the so-called 'Unfilial' Whitagans. The Whitagans in turn lambast Mannina for allowing the sale of the only-known extant copy of Alice by 'the Sisters' [of Mercy] (Who are regarded as almost semi-divine in some quarters - Andrew Eldritch is mythologised as a Woman) to a private Nu Yaeschburg dealership. The Manninans are uncultured, barbaric, incestuous, short-haired savages. You just can't trust any society run by men. Anyway, back in the Silver Period Goths were rightly seen as being of the superior culture. And so on.

Britanwia is, of course, as always, playing it cool. Tut-tut. Perfidious Britanwia...

(Okay, so a little ASB.)

Sounds a bit like the Knights of God storyline.

That was one damn good series. Never been repeated though, and never released for sale. But yours truly has all the episodes slapped onto DVD from videotape recordings made when it was aired on the telly. :p

Oliver Cromwell is ISOTed to 1985 along with the New Model Army. They trigger off a civil war which the Royals offer a determined fight. Unfortunately for the Royals, their armies are finally defeated, but most manage to escape into exile. Princess Di, however, is cuaght whilst trying to smuggle herself out of the country dressed as Prince Charles. She is charged with high treason, by the New Model Army, for being a Royal, then executed accordingly as a warning to the Royals-in-exile never to return to Britain. Britain then becomes a republic with Oliver Cromwell as Lord Protector.

Um... yes. Because the modern-day British military - with its APCs and tanks, and automatic weaponry. And jet fighters, and helicopter gunships - is of course unable to stand up to a bunch of guys in plate armour, on horseback, armed with muskets.