A Two Nation NATO

There was almost a trade war?

If Russia does collapse, wouldn't the potential and current great powers like China, Indonisia, India, and Brazil get a little ambitious or paranoid by the two Western superpowers? I would not doubt that North America and Europe would be competitors, though I am pretty sure it would be more friendly than between China and Russia.

i know that russia continuously flirts with china, but the economic reality is that russia is economically tied to europe. 53% of russia exports go to europe, 84% of its oil and 75% of its natural gas. 75% of foreign investment in russia is from europe.
and i wouldn't call india, indonesia and brazil great powers, china maybe, but replacing such a huge chuunk of trade is not easy, and then there is also the us that will also compete.
The only way Europe would be a single nation is if an external force forced it to do so. A Cold War POD in which Stalin funds Communist rebellions in Western Europe might do the trick.