A sketch of a monarchist germany scenario I have.

First of all, a disclaimer: While I have some narrative skills, sadly my focus on history is the twenty century brazilian history, and so I do not know enought of weimar and early third reich politics of Germany to pull off this sceario. I would love to see it realized and I would cooperate with anyone interested on writting it.

For years I have been wondering about a late restored 2nd reich scenario, not on the Kapp Putsch, but over ten years later, the idea would start with Hitler and his minions being shot to death on the beer hall putsch, and so there is no Mein Kampf and the main right wing party continues being the National Conservative DNVP.

A video with some of the context of the DNVP, as you can see they still held nationalist rallies, with the presence of some members of the royal family.

After the 1929 crash the DNVP would accept to make a coalition with the national labourists of Strasser blackfront (again, I'm not a expert of the politics of those small groups, but Strasser was socially conservative and economically left winger), making him vice chancellor and pushing some of his most labourist reforms to appease the people. Those reforms would increase the DNVP support amoung the people to the point that they would lift Kaiser Wilhelm II ban, allowing him to return to Germany and creating a wave of imperial nostalgia. The Rheinland still would be reocuppied, maybe not in '36, but in '37 or '38, and not under a totalitarian government and this might have no entente reaction as it did OTL, and by the very late 1930s there could be a restoration of the 2nd Reich under Wilhelm III

What do you think? It is plausible?

There is something I want to add, while my knowledge of 1930s germany is meagre, I did some research on the DNVP and found some interesting things, the DNVP is usually seem on the forum as a average conservative party, but in reality it was almost a stereotypical representation of prussianism, the party had it's Youth, called Bismarckjugend:

The members used a armband, with "DNVP" written on it, with the colours of the imperial flag:


And DNVP, and Hindenburg were openly anti republicans, like you can see in this 1924 propaganda (the poster is too big so I used it as a quote)

In Austria even the social democrats wanted to unite with Germany, maybe this leads to a saner anschluss that is more accepted by the west, since they are now a multi party authoritarian empire, and not a totalitarian one party state.
In Austria even the social democrats wanted to unite with Germany, maybe this leads to a saner Anschluss that is more accepted by the west, since they are now a multi party authoritarian empire, and not a totalitarian one party state.

Wonder if the Empire would seek other border adjustments as well? (and how well they would go down with France and the UK)
In Austria even the social democrats wanted to unite with Germany, maybe this leads to a saner anschluss that is more accepted by the west, since they are now a multi party authoritarian empire, and not a totalitarian one party state.
It doesn't matter what the west thinks, it matters what Mussolini thinks. Without Hitler Dolfuss, who opposed Anschluss, would stay in power and Mussolini wouldn't want to lose him as an ally.
It doesn't matter what the west thinks, it matters what Mussolini thinks. Without Hitler Dolfuss, who opposed Anschluss, would stay in power and Mussolini wouldn't want to lose him as an ally.

The west is embargoing Mussolini for invading Abyssinia, either he accepts the anschluss or even Germany will embargo him and his economy will collapse.
If you PoD is all the Nazis in the Beer Hall Putsch dying you can't have Strasserism because Gregor Strasser would be dead and with no Nazi Party to leech away members from Otto Strasser won't found his minuscule Black Front. Without Hitler to oppose or his brother to leech popularity from, Otto Strasser is nobody.
If you PoD is all the Nazis in the Beer Hall Putsch dying you can't have Strasserism because Gregor Strasser would be dead and with no Nazi Party to leech away members from Otto Strasser won't found his minuscule Black Front. Without Hitler to oppose or his brother to leech popularity from, Otto Strasser is nobody.

Right, so what do you suggest?

What do you think? It is plausible?

Put simply :
Sry, but no.

First :
I really can't understand this rather 'obsession' on this board for the DNVP being a realistic contestant/replacemnet for the NSDAP.
The DNVP was outdated and outclassed at last from 1929 onwards. It didn't had anything resembling 'party-structures' as they were developed and put to so much effect by the communists, as well as the Nazis (Gregor Strasser) from the model of the SPD.
All it had were 'honorary men' in 'prominent' positions throughout the state, school directors, post-office keepers, middle- to higher rank officials, middle class enterpreneurs, some agrarians and ... and a wealthy little man building a huge media-company though having no real idea how media actually works (yes I mean Hugenberg).
Beside the latter a concept of political work stemming from the foundation of the bismarckian empire. And only made to be beaten to the dust by more modern organisations as the NSDAP IOTL and ITTL most likely by the DVFP, co-lead by Gregor Strasser after the beer-hall putsch and without a Hitler developed into what the NSDAP became after its refoundation in 1925. ... maybe only a bit earlier.
The 'closer ties' with the Stahlhelm, as you depicted the armbands ... worn, when Stahlhelm units were hired by the DNVP for its events as 'security'. The Stahlhelm was very keen to keep a bipartisan - beside anti-republican - attitude. It was NEVER the or even 'a' propagandistical party-army the SA was for the NSDAP. A concept - tbh - not at all understand by the DNVP leadership (Hugenberg) or the Stahlhelm itself. If asked about any Stahlhelm-leader or even member would have been not even embarresed but insulted by being set on one level with the SA.

The DNVP was a dying whopper, IMHO far from being able to become a NDSAP substitue or gaining power in its own rights at the ballots and in the streets. They would lack any populce' support to speak off. Only the 'inertia' of its once size and the media-house collected by Hugenberg it didn't suffer the complete downfall of the other 'old-style' parties like DDP, DVP, BVP, WP and all their off-springs and 'chippings' taken together.
IF ... as you suggest, it would make a coalition or 'deal' with some Gregor Strasser NSDAP-follow-up, you can be sure, that the DNVP would become a rather unimportant annex to the 'Strasser'-party with the monarchistical agenda VERY fast thrown under the bus.

As a side-not to @Maponus
Gregor Strasser and his SA-units did not take part on the march to the Feldherren-hall. They were 'deployed' rather aside the main happenings. Well after the shooting there he returned with his men in good order to Landshut, where they came from.
(Though I consent with you : without Gregor, Otto Strasser is/would be a nonity.)

Second :
As already prior, Wilhelm II. would have forbidden his son to become Wilhelm III. to become monarch on a 'republican, constitutional' ticket, put into his position by (how disgusting) ... politicians.
The Crownprince followed his fathers order IOTL, I don't see how and where from this dull whimp should suddenly develop the spine to stand against his father and the rest of the familiy.
I really can't understand this rather 'obsession' on this board for the DNVP being a realistic contestant/replacemnet for the NSDAP.
The DNVP was outdated and outclassed at last from 1929 onwards. It didn't had anything resembling 'party-structures' as they were developed and put to so much effect by the communists, as well as the Nazis (Gregor Strasser) from the model of the SPD.
Does it matter, though? The DNVP was one of the big parties of the Weimar Republic, and at the end of the Republic one of the largest in terms of votes. Hindenburg, while nominally an independent, was basically DNVP in terms of attitudes and ideology.

The problem is just that the DNVP wasn't monarchist. And that is the main issue this scenario has: You can't have a reestablished monarchy in Weimar Germany, because nobody really wanted a monarchy anymore. The DNVP was opposed to "the republic", but what that meant was that it was anti-democratic and anti-progressive. What it wanted was an authoritarian rule of the administration apparatus and the army in (an idealized version of) Prussian tradition. A DNVP Germany would be a bog standard authoritarian dictatorship, nothing more.
Does it matter, though? The DNVP was one of the big parties of the Weimar Republic, and at the end of the Republic one of the largest in terms of votes. Hindenburg, while nominally an independent, was basically DNVP in terms of attitudes and ideology.

The problem is just that the DNVP wasn't monarchist. And that is the main issue this scenario has: You can't have a reestablished monarchy in Weimar Germany, because nobody really wanted a monarchy anymore. The DNVP was opposed to "the republic", but what that meant was that it was anti-democratic and anti-progressive. What it wanted was an authoritarian rule of the administration apparatus and the army in (an idealized version of) Prussian tradition. A DNVP Germany would be a bog standard authoritarian dictatorship, nothing more.
Erhmm ... and ... where do you have this ... perception from ?

May I cite from "Principles of the German-National Peoples Party" (Grundsätze der DeutschNationalen VolksPartei); edited and issued by the DNVP in 1920
(I took the freedom to translate it for you and this forums language):
4. Monarchy
The monarchical Stateconstitution corresponds with the peculiarity and historical evolution of Germany. Standing above the (political) parties, the monarchy guarantees the most the unity of the people, the protection of minorities, the steadiness of the state-affairs and the incorruptibility of the public administration. The german single states shall be free in deciding their constitution; for the realm (Reich) we strive for the renewal of the by the Hohenzollern erected german Empire (deutsches Kaiserreich).​
5. ...

IMHO a rather clear committment towards reintroduction of the monarchy.