A Movie of The Culture in the 90s

As you may or may not know, The Player of Games the second (though generally recommended as the best starting point to) Iain M. Bank's The Culture series was in the process of being considered for a movie adaptation in the 90s, but things didn't work out. Though I hear they're considering adapting the short story A Gift From The Culture in the near future (hopefully).

However, suppose The Player of Games had been adapted to the big screen in the 90s. How might things have gone; would it be great, horrible, in between? Would it be a stillborn franchise or would any of the other books be adapted? Would Banks be a key player in the adaptation or would he want no part in it all? What are your thoughts?

For my part I'm a tad skeptical about how things would have worked out just because CGI was more limited in those days. Also, Hollywood being Hollywood, I feel they might not know how to handle it and turn it into a generic summer blockbuster (let's not event think about what would happen if Michael Bay was allowed anywhere near it) devoid of the wit and intelligence Bank's series is known for