A Different Russian Revolution

Random thought for a borin day atwork: As everyone knows, White Russia fell after the Russian Civil War to Communists, but was it possible for it to fall to a different form of government? Most TLs always have a Civil War between the Whites and the Reds, but could it be possible for the Tsar to fall to Democracy, or to a Napoleonesqe Emperor? Somethin else?
Tsarism did fall to a democracy: while it obviously didn't work, what with the people starving and the front starting to fall to bits and everything, Russia's provisional constitution was among the most progressive and liberal in the world.

Have the Whites get very lucky and Russia may end up as a land of warlords like China. That's sort of a regime...

Kill Lenin and fix some other things up, and Russia probably ends as a Weimar Republic/pre-Fascist Italy type place: diverse parties, economically moribund, an influential and unhealthily political officer class. Land-owners and industrialists may or may not retain their own influence, depending on how left the republic leans. To add to the fun, it'll probably be a bit bigger than the USSR, and a loose federation. The Civil War, in such a scenario, will be a bit of skirmishing here and there

But to get a properly differant two-sided civil war, or a particularly functional non-Bolshevik regime, you'd need a PoD before 1916.

What would happen to the Tsarist regime if WW1 ended in an early win for the Entente is an interesting question indeed.
In 1917 OTL, George V took the controversial decision to deny political asylum to the Tsar Nicholas II and his family after the Bolshevik Revolution.

You could have an alternative where George V accepts the political asylum, meaning the Tsar Nicholas II and his family survive the revolution and fight against it.
Tsarism did fall to a democracy: while it obviously didn't work, what with the people starving and the front starting to fall to bits and everything, Russia's provisional constitution was among the most progressive and liberal in the world.

Have the Whites get very lucky and Russia may end up as a land of warlords like China. That's sort of a regime...

Kill Lenin and fix some other things up, and Russia probably ends as a Weimar Republic/pre-Fascist Italy type place: diverse parties, economically moribund, an influential and unhealthily political officer class. Land-owners and industrialists may or may not retain their own influence, depending on how left the republic leans. To add to the fun, it'll probably be a bit bigger than the USSR, and a loose federation. The Civil War, in such a scenario, will be a bit of skirmishing here and there

But to get a properly differant two-sided civil war, or a particularly functional non-Bolshevik regime, you'd need a PoD before 1916.

What would happen to the Tsarist regime if WW1 ended in an early win for the Entente is an interesting question indeed.

i was thinkin a PoD before the war anyways. A Warlord Russia would be interesting. It doesn't have to be a two sided war like ours, I'm just trying to explore alternate Russias that aren't the usual Reds win Whites loose or the opposite.
Well, regardless of the sides at least one would probably qualify as White considering the term including everything from social revolutionaries to Wrangel.

Anyway, maybe a different provisional government? or if Komilov stayed away from Moscow?