A different path for Germany - Republic or Monarchy?


Sorry for the lackluster title, but I'm just putting out a very rough idea for a timeline, and will continue researching variables around it.

Let's assume that as of 2018, Germany has the German Empire borders; the only loss would be by a Schleswig Plebescite, giving the ethnic Danish areas to Denmark at any point between 1871 and 1939; Austria as of 1919 was German Austria. It can be, but doesn't need to be, part of Germany. (Bonus cookie for Austria to willingly join Germany)

The major points of the timeline I'm working through are:

-France allied with Russia and the Ottomans rather than Germany; Germany allied with the UK and did not challenge it navally, and Wilhelm II never became Kaiser to cause a ruckus in Morocco to alienate potential German allies.
-France assumed the role of Germany in WW1, and then WW2

This version of Germany, would it necessarily be a monarchy of some type, or would it have been presented an opportunity to be a republic? The empire itself had several republics and a number of monarchies in them. How do those work together in their federal structure? Another bonus cookie for this resulting Germany to have private rights protected as strongly as the US or UK appear to have (free speech, free press, no search/seizure without a specific warrant, right to assemble, right to bear arms, right to petition, free religion even in public, no press censorship other than classified material, etc).
You'd almost certainly still have the Empire. It took four years of total war, and losing, to bring it down. If Germany is allied with the UK then it would not have run short of food or supplies, thus stabilising the monarchies' legitimacy. Most of those rights already existed in the Empire, if often de facto rather than de jure, simply because it was actually quite decentralised. The Länder had a great deal of autonomy and retained their constitutions, many of which were quite liberal. But the right to bear arms is a very American idea, and I can't see how it would come about, or how the German government or public would find it desirable.
With a German Victory in the Great War there might not even be a Second World War. Because who would challenge them? France, they don't have enough manpower or industrial power to. Russia?? Maybe but German goverment will certainly try to prolong the Russian Civil war and maybe try to establish two Russias
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I wasn't thinking for Germany to expand eastward at all in such a timeline, but rather to reestablish an independent Poland east of it to act as a buffer to Russia.
Germany would guide all of the Baltics, Poles, Ukrainian, Belarusian, and all of the Caucasion people towords independence, and German sphere of influence.