A different kind of Axis.

All of these technical threads on WWII have led me to wonder how there could have been a different outcome to a second world war. I have reached a point where I think there would have to be a different party gaining power in Germany. So that instead of the National Socialists under Hitler a smarter, more devious administration came to being. Then they could join with Italy and Romania. Then perhaps Czechoslovakia could be annexed without as much fallout as OTL.

Then they would have to follow Wellingtons two rules of warfare.

  1. Don't fight on two fronts.
  2. Never march on Moscow.
Holding Out for a Hero has an interesting non-Hitlerian Germany. Not really an alt-WW2 TL, though. More a Weimar survives and kicks diplomatic ass TL.

There was also a Hitler Assassinated, Goering as Fuhrer TL somewhere that was pretty good.
But with Germany and USSR being the leading powers in Europe, a showdown between them would have been inevitable, still, Germany would have done far better without Hitler in charge.
... still, Germany would have done far better without Hitler in charge.

In the long run, yes. Though, ironically, his rabid-dog aggressiveness may be the only reason that Germany willingly gambled on the Ardennes thrust. A saner leader ATL and we may see a more static and costly western front.
What I'm getting at is that no technical marvel is going to be enough to butterfly away an Axis defeat because human nature means all parties will embrace the technology. It is going to take a change of approach to alter the outcome. I think it could have happened with a different, but still nationalistic, ideology within Germany post WWI.
Say the Junkers ursurp the German Republic and it goes all Prussian. I'd still see aggressive expansion leading to WW2, an inevitable war with USSR and in the end a defeat, however Germany (and Europe for that matter) would be far from the state of despair that was the Nazi rule.


Then they would have to follow Wellingtons two rules of warfare.

  1. Don't fight on two fronts.
  2. Never march on Moscow.
The second item should say "Never march on Moscow from the west." The Mongols wiped the floor with the Russians by marching from the east--in the winter.

As far as your question is concerned, I believe there has been some speculation on this forum about a more rational authoritarian regime taking over in Germany instead of the Nazis, but I can't think of a specific TL. Faeelin's "Holding out for a Hero" has already been mentioned, but it doesn't meet your requirements about the two-front war thing--or about the Axis, for that matter.
The second item should say "Never march on Moscow from the west." The Mongols wiped the floor with the Russians by marching from the east--in the winter.

I'll bet the Mongols didn't march like Napoleon and the Nazis, they rode! :cool:

So that must be the answer I guess, attack Moscow on horseback.;)

But seriously there will be a way that a devious, ruthless, regime in Germany could prevail in post WWI Europe and it will have nothing to do with any "wonder-weapon" or "superhero". The question is what would the POD be?