A Central Europe Commonwealth : idea WIP

I was researching a few ideas for a different timeline when I stumbled across a little factiod : In 1932 the Polish government considered recreating a Polish Monarchy. Remembering the long ties between Poland and Saxony, they planned on offering the crown to Friedrich Christian the Margrave of Meissen, Duke of Saxony. Friedrich Christian's wife was Princess Elisabeth Helene of Thum & Taxis (and a daughter of one of the Hungarian Hapsburgs).

Anyway I had an old idea of having the German Imperial Crown restored as a result of a meltdown/civil war between Nazi factions during the Night of the Long Knives but I didn't want to put the Prussians back on the throne.

So when I read the Wikipedia article on Friedrich Christian & his wife it got me thinking, why not have something like the Commonwealth. That is Friedrich Christian as the Head of State for Poland, Germany( with Austria merged) and Hungary with a linked customs union & trade agreement. Foriegn & Defence policy made jointly perhaps as a counter to possible threats by the Soviet Union.

Ideas, thoughts on how to make this happen or is it too ASBish to work?