2018 Presidential Election

All I'm going to say is that if GOP grandees are unhappy with this choice maybe someone should have swallowed their pride and ran with him.

I mean in our world I don't think Pence was particularly fond of Trump, but he decided to run so he could serve as a rational counterweight. Maybe Schneider or Buchanan should have thought of that
My prediction for Seaborn's running mate was Alicia DeSantos (and that's who I'd have chosen if I was in Seaborn's shoes) but I also agree that Tyler is an excellent running mate too.

I also like how Pendleton was cleverly foreshadowed last year within the context of a seemingly separate news story about his dismissal.
I have to hand it to the Seaborn camp. As capable as they are of making big mistakes, I think Tyler is a pretty solid pick. And they managed to keep it under wraps.


All I'm going to say is that if GOP grandees are unhappy with this choice maybe someone should have swallowed their pride and ran with him.

I mean in our world I don't think Pence was particularly fond of Trump, but he decided to run so he could serve as a rational counterweight. Maybe Schneider or Buchanan should have thought of that
Since Duke won the GOP nomination fair and square and by a pretty big margin they seem to be protesting too much. If anyone in the GOP base or anyone else in the Republican party is really a Never Duke voter they have a prominent alternative in Andrew Long that Republicans didnt have otl in 2016. This means the Republican vote is splintered and Seaborn is re elected and by a fairly big margin -or not.Somehow even though Im new to this thread I think it could be or not.
Has former President Glen Allen Walken announced if he supports Duke or not ?
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Since Duke won the GOP nomination fair and square and by a pretty big margin they seem to be protesting too much. If anyone in the GOP base or anyone else in the Republican party is really a Never Duke voter they have a prominent alternative in Andrew Long that Republicans didnt have otl in 2016. This means the Republican vote is splintered and Seaborn is re elected and by a fairly big margin -or not.Somehow even though Im new to this thread I think it could be or not.
Has former President Glen Allen Walken announced if he supports Duke or not ?
And the person who agrees to go on the ticket would pick up some fairly major markers for the future. Possibly not for the Presidency in the future, but certainly party grandee and any time share they want.
Pendleton and Tyler are both from Virginia, so this is the first time since 2010, that a candidate from from each of the two major party's are from the same state (Santos and Clark were both from Texas). I'm kinda confused. Where are the Republican's holding their party Convention? Denver or Charlotte? In a previous post it was Denver. Just wondering!
I am sure the Seaborn camp is doing somersaults right now. Even so, they need to keep their eye on the ball and stay focused. When I was at Mount Rushmore, I did not see President Dewey's face.
Since Duke won the GOP nomination fair and square and by a pretty big margin they seem to be protesting too much. If anyone in the GOP base or anyone else in the Republican party is really a Never Duke voter they have a prominent alternative in Andrew Long that Republicans didnt have otl in 2016. This means the Republican vote is splintered and Seaborn is re elected and by a fairly big margin -or not.Somehow even though Im new to this thread I think it could be or not.
Has former President Glen Allen Walken announced if he supports Duke or not ?
Walken and Clark are not going to be at the convention. I'm surprised Irving has a speaking slot. Last I heard, he never conceded.


And the person who agrees to go on the ticket would pick up some fairly major markers for the future. Possibly not for the Presidency in the future, but certainly party grandee and any time share they want.
Right.Also look at Pence in otl who accepted the VP nod and won despite like everyone else likely not expecting it at all.Now after staying loyal until the bitter end he is still trying to parlay that into a GOP nod for president in 2024. Unless Duke loses to Seaborn on a Goldwater level in 1964 or Pearce in 1994 which he likely will not is there any reason to think that the Republican with Duke on the ticket is done for 2026 ?
I would think that if Trump lost in 2016 Pence would have been in the 2020 GOP front runners if not the nominee unlike Jeb Bush,Marco Rubio,Ted Cruz,Chris Christie,John Kaisch or anyone else Trump took apart in the 2016 primary.Irving and Norton-Stewart are likely done ittl whereas by being elevated we probably havent seen the last of Pendleton even if he and Duke lose in November.
Pendleton and Tyler are both from Virginia, so this is the first time since 2010, that a candidate from from each of the two major party's are from the same state (Santos and Clark were both from Texas). I'm kinda confused. Where are the Republican's holding their party Convention? Denver or Charlotte? In a previous post it was Denver. Just wondering!
Its Denver for the Republicans and was Detroit for the Greens.I need to look it up for the Democrats.As far as geography when it comes to presidential and vp picks perhaps it still seems to matters more ittl. OTL it use to matter quite a lot but I think that since 1992 when the Democrats nominated and won with 2 southerners from adjacent states even it has not mattered anymore at all really. However I have noticed ittl the states have been since 1986 and remain somewhat skewered in electoral politics.For example otl in 2006 there is no way a Republican takes California and a Democrat takes Texas even if they are popular native sons but it happened ittl.
Democrats are Charlotte
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Walken and Clark are not going to be at the convention. I'm surprised Irving has a speaking slot. Last I heard, he never conceded.
Norton Stweart also has one.If this alone isnt a message to their voters to support Duke I dont know what would be and both will likely say it. Normally this indicates they are angling for a possible cabinet spot since neither was offered VP.
Walken and Clark not being at the convention mirrors George HW and W Bush not being at the 2016 convention.But if memory serves while neither endorsed Trump they didnt disavow him either and went to his inauguration.So unless Walken and Clark endorse someone else they endorse Duke by their silence.
My prediction for Seaborn's running mate was Alicia DeSantos (and that's who I'd have chosen if I was in Seaborn's shoes) but I also agree that Tyler is an excellent running mate too.

I also like how Pendleton was cleverly foreshadowed last year within the context of a seemingly separate news story about his dismissal.

As Mark alluded to, some of this was planned months ago, hence us casting a seeming throw-away character way back in summer 2021.
Is duke/pendleton meant to be some george wallace/Curtis LeMay analogy?

Just to head off the comparisons, Duke isn't George Wallace or Donald Trump. He's not a populist who race-baits while promising to preserve Social Security and bring back manufacturing jobs; he's a reactionary who race-baits while pledging to slash Social Security and opposes measures to save manufacturing jobs because they infringe on the market.

Pendleton and Tyler are both from Virginia, so this is the first time since 2010, that a candidate from from each of the two major party's are from the same state (Santos and Clark were both from Texas). I'm kinda confused. Where are the Republican's holding their party Convention? Denver or Charlotte? In a previous post it was Denver. Just wondering!
It's Denver. The Democratic convention will be in Charlotte, and I got mixed up.

It's been fixed now.
I am sure the Seaborn camp is doing somersaults right now. Even so, they need to keep their eye on the ball and stay focused. When I was at Mount Rushmore, I did not see President Dewey's face.
Well, part of that might also be because Mount Rushmore was finished three years before Dewey first ran for president, but I see what you mean.

Buckner says Seaborn campaign using “politics of fear” over Duke

Sunday, July 10th, 2022

Green Party nominee Susan Buckner accepted her party’s nomination today with a fiery speech, attacking President Sam Seaborn from the left and accusing the Democratic Party of using the "politics of fear" by highlighting presumptive Republican nominee Alan Duke's record.

"The president's campaign has used the politics of fear to tamp down criticism over his inaction on the climate, his inaction on gun violence, his inaction on income inequality and on numerous other issues," Buckner told Green delegates at the close of the party’s convention. "Talking points put out by focus groups and corporate-sponsored dark money organizations to highlight Senator Duke's atrocious comments do not mean we must vote for the other party propped up by Wall Street...instead we must support a new, sustainable politics based around people and not around money and property."

Later in her speech, Buckner highlighted her campaign's proposals, including universal health care, a Green New Deal, halving the defense budget, ending the War on Drugs, and a reparations program for African-American descendants of slaves.

Buckner, an activist who has spent her career working for anti-poverty causes in the United States and anti-HIV/AIDS measures in Africa, was the Green Party's vice presidential nominee in 2018 and is the daughter of former Milwaukee mayor Jim Buckner, the most successful independent presidential candidate of the last 25 years. She has previously run for office several times, including serving as the Green Party nominee for governor of Wisconsin in 2002.

Her running mate, Anderson Gerald, is a Rhode Island attorney who won 10 percent of the vote two years ago as the party's nominee for governor.

Buckner says Seaborn campaign using “politics of fear” over Duke

Sunday, July 10th, 2022

Green Party nominee Susan Buckner accepted her party’s nomination today with a fiery speech, attacking President Sam Seaborn from the left and accusing the Democratic Party of using the "politics of fear" by highlighting presumptive Republican nominee Alan Duke's record.

"The president's campaign has used the politics of fear to tamp down criticism over his inaction on the climate, his inaction on gun violence, his inaction on income inequality and on numerous other issues," Buckner told Green delegates at the close of the party’s convention. "Talking points put out by focus groups and corporate-sponsored dark money organizations to highlight Senator Duke's atrocious comments do not mean we must vote for the other party propped up by Wall Street...instead we must support a new, sustainable politics based around people and not around money and property."

Later in her speech, Buckner highlighted her campaign's proposals, including universal health care, a Green New Deal, halving the defense budget, ending the War on Drugs, and a reparations program for African-American descendants of slaves.

Buckner, an activist who has spent her career working for anti-poverty causes in the United States and anti-HIV/AIDS measures in Africa, was the Green Party's vice presidential nominee in 2018 and is the daughter of former Milwaukee mayor Jim Buckner, the most successful independent presidential candidate of the last 25 years. She has previously run for office several times, including serving as the Green Party nominee for governor of Wisconsin in 2002.

Her running mate, Anderson Gerald, is a Rhode Island attorney who won 10 percent of the vote two years ago as the party's nominee for governor.
As for Norton-Stewart or Irving not being on the ticket, if Duke had taken a more conventional route, he could have included them in the conversation regarding being potential ticket mate's ( e.g. Reagan with Bush in 1980, or JFK with LBJ in 1960), whether RNS or Irving turned down Duke is an entirely different proposition, the fact that Duke offered either candidate the opportunity to say yes or no, that's up to them. But it would've demonstrated that Duke was a pragmatic big tent Republican who wanted to be inclusive. It is likely, as the storyline seems to indicate, that the Lloyd Pendleton choice was likely desperation over the lack of a wider variety of choices. Similar to what Goldwater faced in 1964! I could imagine as more time elapses, that more revelations about Pendleton will emerge, particularly about possible unsavory associattions the guy may have. As he probably wasn't subject to any vetting process, as the head of Duke's vice presidential search operation, was caught off guard! So Duke was prompted by desperation. So don't be surprised if Duke has to do a McGovern and dump his Vice presidential choice. Now that would be downright hysterical 🤣. It's an idea, no matter how off the wall it sound's.
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Norton Stweart also has one.If this alone isnt a message to their voters to support Duke I dont know what would be and both will likely say it. Normally this indicates they are angling for a possible cabinet spot since neither was offered VP.
Walken and Clark not being at the convention mirrors George HW and W Bush not being at the 2016 convention.But if memory serves while neither endorsed Trump they didnt disavow him either and went to his inauguration.So unless Walken and Clark endorse someone else they endorse Duke by their silence.
George HW Bush voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016

BREAKING: Duke announces former general Lloyd Pendleton as running mate

Sunday, July 10th, 2022

Former senator Alan Duke, the presumptive Republican nominee for president, announced his selection of retired Army lieutenant general Lloyd Pendleton as his running mate at a joint press conference in Denver.

Flanked by Pendleton, Duke said Pendleton was a “true patriot and public servant” who was “silenced, or canceled, for his willingness to speak truth to power.” Pendleton, for his part, said he was “grateful and humbled” to accept a position on the Republican ticket, saying he would “serve with the same candor and dedication” that he had while in the Army and was “enthusiastic to follow orders to restore our country to greatness.”

Pendleton, who served in the military for over three decades and saw combat in Iraq, Equatorial Kundu and Gaza, was dismissed from his Pentagon position in 2021 after making comments critical of President Sam Seaborn to a far-right newspaper. He retired later that year and has been working as a defense and national security commentator on Fox News since then.

The former general, the first person on a major-party ticket to have not held elected office since Dwight D. Eisenhower became the Republican presidential nominee in 1952, was selected after Duke suffered a series of failures and missed deadlines in picking his running mate. Previously, two other candidates, Ohio governor Art Scheider and Virginia senator Rob Buchanan, reportedly had accepted the nomination privately, but had second thoughts before the announcement could be made publicly.

Pendleton, who is registered to vote in Virginia, is expected to be nominated by acclamation on Wednesday.
I don't think Duke is interested in "balance" whether that be geographic or ideological. He seems like the kind of man who wants people he likes and agrees with on his team, and as committed to his ideals as he. I also don't think he'll pull someone out of a re-election race, nor would anyone in those races want to abandon their state to join his ticket. For that reason I think it will be Rob Buchanan or Lloyd Pendleton. Imagine what John Edwards will tweet about those guys.
Now this one I did see coming. Duke was never the candidate who would make the electoral pick, he made the culture war pick and the personal pick. However, at the end of the day Pendleton is still a wild card and military dude, he definitely has some opinions and personal events that don't align with right-wing orthodoxy. Could be some disputes between Duke and Pendleton. Meanwhile I assume Andrew Long is frantically calling every Republican establishment figure all day long to bring them to his camp.


George HW Bush voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016
But when did announce that ? Unless it was before election day it didnt make any difference.
Meanwhile I assume Andrew Long is frantically calling every Republican establishment figure all day long to bring them to his camp.
Where would he start because at this point what Republican establishment figure has announced opposition to Duke ? Silence and not attending the convention doesnt count either .
But when did announce that ? Unless it was before election day it didnt make any difference.

Where would he start because at this point what Republican establishment figure has announced opposition to Duke ? Silence and not attending the convention doesnt count either .
Google Bush voting for Hillary Clinton. Republican establishment figures should come out against Duke. In my opinion, the best thing for the Republican party going forward would be for Duke to be trounced. If he loses narrowly, giving Seaborn a close race could embolden Duke to try again in 2026. Or if not him, another candidate like him. If he is thoroughly trounced, these Republican establishment figures who don't endorse him will be in a position to denounce Duke and it will be easier for the Republican party to pick up the pieces. Like what happened with Goldwater in 1964. Major figures in the Republican party took a walk on him. I don't want to compare Barry Goldwater with Alan Duke. Barry Goldwater was a good and honorable man. Duke is a disgusting excuse for a human being.
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Google Bush voting for Hillary Clinton.
Right he was outed by a Kennedy after intending on staying quiet and therefore making it not matter https://www.politico.com/story/2016/09/exclusive-george-hw-bush-to-vote-for-hillary-228395 .Assuming Babs Bush did the same those votes were cancelled out by the non votes of their eldest son and daughter in law-what a brave family.
Republican establishment figures should come out against Duke. In my opinion, the best thing for the Republican party going forward would be for Duke to be trounced. If he loses narrowly, giving Seaborn a close race could embolden Duke to try again in 2026. Or if not him, another candidate like him. If he is thoroughly trounced, these Republican establishment figures who don't endorse him will be in a position to denounce Duke and it will be easier for the Republican party to pick up the pieces. Like what happened with Goldwater in 1964. Major figures in the Republican party took a walk on him. I don't want to compare Barry Goldwater with Alan Duke. Barry Goldwater was a good and honorable man. Duke is a disgusting excuse for a human being.
In order for Duke to be trounced that would mean the majority of Republican voters-who just made him the nominee-would have to vote for Long,Seaborn or not vote for president.I for one dont see that happening.In otl the Republican leadership from Paul Ryan down tried to "take a walk" on Trump and his victory ate them alive and the few who were left and relevant all endorsed him in 2020 and are set to do so again if he is the nominee in 2024.
Duke probably wont win in 2022 but its likely to be a close thing. Duke wasnt the nominee by mistake and neither will be the votes cast for him in the election. The Republican party establishment has a party who chose Duke and will likely vote for him. They could do an autopsy to see how they got there but if they want to stay relevant and stay in the room they will have to continue to deal with Duke and his like minded followers because they arent going anywhere in 2026 and afterwards.As for Goldwater there are words to describe people who opposed the 1964 Civil Rights Act and good and honorable arent 2 Id use although Duke might.
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