"The Presidency of Bill Clinton is among the among the most tragic in American History. Defeating incumbent President George H.W. Bush and eccentric billionaire Ross Perot by a comfortable margin, Clinton and his wife Hillary had become the symbol for a country looking to enjoy an era of peace after almost 40 years of war. President Clinton would never get the chance to live up to any of his campaign promises, all because of a factory worker in the former Soviet Union"- opening lines to "Clinton's America" by former White House Communications Director James Carville (2002)
"My husband and I care deeply about the problems facing our inner-cities. We plan to work as hard as we can with leaders from all over the country in order to ensure a better future for everyone, no matter what circumstances beyond their control one was born into"- Speech by First Lady Hillary Clinton at the New York City YMCA
Ramzi Yousef hesitated for a moment as he drove up to the World Trade Center. He knew he shouldn't be hesitating. This was his plan after all. America deserved this for all of the help that they had given to Zionism over the years. People like Sirhan Sirhan had been the inspiration for his work. They didn't go far enough, though. For years, even decades, after this people would remember Ramzi Yousef as a champion of the Palestinian state and someone who stood up to the imperialist pigs. His train of thought was broken by a knock at the door.

"Sir I'm going to have to ask you to move your truck. This is a no parking zone." the man in blue explained to him. Ramzi knew what to do in this situation: just sit still and wait out the clock.

"Sir I'm not going to tell you again. Move your truck."

The timer on Ramzi's wrist-watch started chirping. 10 seconds left. He drew a deep breath: "Allāhu Akbar." Then there was nothing but fire.
"Director Sessions will see you now Commissioner Kelly"

"Thank you"


I don’t think it’s a nuclear attack. More likely the charges used in the 1993 WTC bombing have been upped and better positioned so as to actually bring down the tower.
If it was nuclear, with only 10 seconds remaining, he wouldn't have needed to worry about moving the truck; it can't move far enough even in 10 minutes or more to have any discernable change in the effects.