1936: Blum and Baldwin decide to supply the Republic

In 1936 after the Nationalist coup had failed and it was apparent that Spain was going to be locked into a civil war Republican Spain initially sought arms from France.

Blum, feeling that he was under pressure from the right in France refused to supply arms and eventually even refused to supply non-combative materiale.

Eden, the Ambassador to Spain (who was an early supporter of the Nationalist) took this as a cue to put help put together an agreement from the European nations that none would supply Spain (which of course Germany and Italy ignored).

What if, Blum, feeling that the Republican cause was just decided to supply French arms to the Repulican Spain and Eden, as a result, kept quiet. Baldwin decides to supply arms as well.

As a result, Republican Spain does not turn to the Soviet Union for Arms and the Republican Communist Party does not gain the same prominence.

In this POD, the UK, France and Mexico are supplying the Republic directly. Italy and Germany still supply the Nationalist.

What are the ramifications? Do the Soviets still try to play a part although unbidden?

What are the effects on the Spanish Civil War? Europe? Progression towards WWII?