1632 - Some Questions

There are some interesting questions posed by the concept of a city going back in time. The novel addresses some of the issues of how knowing about the future will change current events.
They focus on political and governmental figures. Little if anything is mentioned about other areas. What about the arts? Would there be anything for Bach or Beethoven to compose? What about all the authors whose books were already written?
Would there be a Thomas Jefferson, a Benjamin Franklin?
What would you do if you knew that in another time line you have been a famous author, and now there was no opportunity to be creative?

Some thoughts.....

In the 1632 universe, things are changing so drasticly that anyone born within a few years simply won't exist. The very next generation after 1632 will be diferent, parents dying or living that didn't in our universe, others not meeting. Even those that do meet and have children will have slightly different kids; it's so easy for a different sperm to reach its destination.
Brilliant people will still be born, but their creative works will be born of thier own world. By Franklin's time, humanity may well be looking down at Earth from orbit.
History will be a strange topic indeed, since it goes around twice for Grantville. The study of that history will be a critical study, to understand how the society of, say, 1700, the second time around came to be.