1066 - A multi-pronged WI

There are several WIs that come up from the entire claimant crisis in England.

Stamford Bridge

  • Hardrada wins, Harold dies in battle, and the people accept the new ruler
  • Hardrada wins, Harold escapes (would he be able to fight again?)
  • Hardrada wins, Harold is executed and is seen as a martyr to his people
  • Harold wins, but dies. King Edmund III assumes throne


  • Harold wins, and survives battle and fulfills his reign and Edmund Haroldson succeeds him.
  • Harold wins, but dies. King Edmund III assumes throne
  • William wins, but Harold survives and escapes. (Would he be able to fight again?)
  • Harold wins, but his throne falls to the next would be claimant.
  • William wins, but dies in the battle, his son and namesake becomes King William I of England
  • William wins, Harold is captured and is executed and his people stay loyal to him
What would happen next in each of these scenarios? (I assumed Edmund III would be the successor.)
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Harold would be able to fight again after a defeat - even if his forces are crushed, one battle does not (usually) decide the fate of a kingdom.

Look at Alfred the Great struggling on, or Robert the Bruce in Scotland.

Not sure why Edmund would be his heir though - Harold was selected because they needed someone strong and able,which overruled considerations of blood (which gives it to Edgar). Why would Edmund be seen as preferable?
Harold would be able to fight again after a defeat - even if his forces are crushed, one battle does not (usually) decide the fate of a kingdom.

Look at Alfred the Great struggling on, or Robert the Bruce in Scotland.

Not sure why Edmund would be his heir though - Harold was selected because they needed someone strong and able,which overruled considerations of blood (which gives it to Edgar). Why would Edmund be seen as preferable?

I just picked blood ties because I was trying to follow the rules of succession as close as possible. Who would succeed then?
fixed, thanks. I admit to not having much knowledge in this area (only a glancing knowledge of Hastings) I will continue to edit the OP if needed.

It's cool, don't sweat it.

One thing you need to take into account for your Stamford Bridge WIs is that even if Harold loses to Harald Hardrada, William Duke of Normandy still invades, and still wants the throne...
English victory at Stamford Bridge, Harold dies, Harald Hardrada flees. Edmund commands the army, kills William, hailed by the Witan after Hastings?
Harold would be able to fight again after a defeat - even if his forces are crushed, one battle does not (usually) decide the fate of a kingdom.

Look at Alfred the Great struggling on, or Robert the Bruce in Scotland.

Indeed. England is a rather unique case in that respect. The Normans had incredible luck.

If Harold survives, but loses at Hastings or Stamford, he could raise another army and fight again at a later date.