woodrow wilson

  1. ...And what of Woodrow?

    If Woodrow Wilson were not to win the Presidency in 1912 -- either because he fails to win the Democratic nomination or due to some sort of miracle victory by Roosevelt at the polls -- what may become of him? He presumably finishes his term as Governor of New Jersey (which ends in January of...
  2. 1913 Amendment: One 6-Year Presidential Term

    I read on a few forums that in 1913 there was a proposed Amendment to the US Constitution to limit the Presidency to one, 6-year term (we learn sth new every day :D) If there's anyone out there who can elaborate more on this Amendment, please educate me. Anyway, this Amendment seemed like it...
  3. The Ruins of an American Party System, Part One: Implosion

    So, this is the revised version of my timeline, The Ruins of an American Party System, with Part One being now subtitled “Implosion”. This thread is for the revisions, please DO NOT COMMENT HERE, all comments about the original timeline or about the revisions can be posted in the the original...
  4. Petike

    WI : Woodrow Wilson gets shot just before the start of the Versailles treaty !

    Woodrow Wilson arrives to France before the final version of the Treaty of Versailles is prepared. Suddenly, an unknown gun-wielding maniac (either a passionate anti-american or simply a nationalistic fanatic from one of the Central Powers) runs out of the crowd and starts shooting at the...