travel guide

  1. A Nation's History In Its Neighbourhoods- A Guidebook TL
    Threadmarks: 1- Trieste-Salario, Rome

    Peering inside the basilica of Sant’Agnese, among the images of saints that are sometimes well-known, sometimes fairly obscure, there’s certainly an image that is more striking than all others. It's one of men in uniform and prelates in cassocks among broken support beams and ripped-apart...
  2. FriendlyGhost

    Writing Contest № 2: Wish you were here
    Threadmarks: Contest description

    Welcome to the second edition of the writing contest. All contest entries must take place within an alternate world, a future world or a fantasy world, and must be written from the point of view of someone within that world. Entries can be in any language (a translation into English is...