the netherlands

  1. Friedrich der Große

    Dutch and German POD

    I am searching for a POD in which The Netherlands stays a middle-great colonial empire, but WW1 still happen and ends in a German victory. Is this somehow possible, and if yes, how?
  2. Friedrich der Große

    Oranje Boven: A Dutch timeline
    Threadmarks: Title and introduction

    Oranje Boven A Dutch timeline I have been interested in Dutch history for a long time, and how it could have turned out differently. After wandering around this forum for a while and considering different POD possibilities, I...
  3. Friedrich der Große

    Could the Netherlands get German territories in 1815?

    Was it possible for the Netherlands to get German territories in 1815 during the Congress of Vienna? Originally, the Dutch king William I called for the addition of the Rhineland to his kingdom too, but I also remember a version in which the Netherlands gets East Frisia and Cleves and has to...
  4. Friedrich der Große

    If the Belgian Revolution never happened, would WW1 still happen?

    So basically this: If the Belgian Revolution never happened and the United Kingdom of the Netherlands stays alive, would WW1 still happen, or wouldn’t it because of the butterflies?
  5. Friedrich der Große

    The Boer Wars, an alternate history

    I’m thinking about a scenario in which the Belgian Revolution never happened. But I was thinking: what will happen to the Boers, the Great Trek and the Boer Wars if this occured. With a Belgian Revolution which never happens, the United Kingdom of the Netherlands stays alive and become a...
  6. Friedrich der Große

    A Dutch timeline

    I’m searching for a POD in which The Netherlands keep the Cape Colony, but also in which the United Kingdom of the Netherlands stays alive. Do you have some ideas? Or could I simply say that with the Dutch keeping the Cape Colony in say 1814, the Belgian Revolution would never occure because of...
  7. Friedrich der Große

    Alternate Dutch colonies

    So, if The Netherlands manage to keep Belgium in 1830, is it plausible that they will set up new colonies, especially in Africa or Asia? The Dutch king William I wanted to make The Netherlands a great power again, and he knew that he needed (more) colonies for that. For example: is it maybe...
  8. Friedrich der Große

    WI: The Netherlands joins Central Powers

    What if in an alternate timeline, The Netherlands joined the Central Powers during World War I, and the Central Powers managed to claim victory in the war. What would the Netherlands gain? Would they gain territories in Belgium or in Asia or Africa, or would they gain territories somewhere...
  9. Friedrich der Große

    Luxembourg Alternate History

    What if the United Kingdom of the Netherlands stays united in 1830. As a result, Luxembourg isn’t split and stays united too, under the Dutch king who is Grand Duke of Luxembourg. What would have been the future of Luxembourg? How would the integration of it into The Netherlands go, or would...
  10. Friedrich der Große

    A Better Netherlands

    What if the United Kingdom of the Netherlands stays alive in 1830 because there is no revolution. How would the development of the UKN have gone? How would the French minority in the country have been integrated into the kingdom, would the Constitution of Thorbecke still be there?. Would the...
  11. Friedrich der Große

    WW1, but No Belgium

    What if in an alternate timeline, The Netherlands kept Belgium because there is no Belgian Revolution in 1830. I think that in this case, it is reasonable to assume that World War One would still happen: Franz Ferdinand is still killed in 1914 and the Great Powers like Germany, France and Russia...
  12. Friedrich der Große

    Mighthy William III of the Netherlands

    IOTL, in 1848, the new Dutch Constitution was created. Because of this constitution, the monarch of the Netherlands has almost no real power. But what if in an alternate timeline, this never happened. What if the Thorbeckian Constitution of 1848 was never accepted. As a result, king William...
  13. Friedrich der Große

    Belgium attacks The Netherlands

    The Belgian crown prince Leopold, who later became king Leopold II, had serious plans to invade The Netherlands in the 1850s and 1860s. In OTL, they were never realized. But what if in an alternate timeline, Belgium really attacked The Netherlands in let we say….. 1855?
  14. Friedrich der Große

    Luxembourg stays Dutch

    In 1890, the Dutch king William III died. William III was King of the Netherlands, but also Grand Duke of Luxembourg. William III’s daughter Wilhelmina succeeded her father as Queen of the Netherlands, but not as Grand Duchess of Luxembourg, because only men were able to became Grand Duke of...
  15. Friedrich der Große

    The Netherlands keep Indonesia

    Since 1949, Indonesia is officialy an independent nation, because since then it is free from the Netherlands. Before 1949, it was a Dutch colony for a long, long time. Technically, the Dutch almost conquered Indonesia back during the Indonesian Independent War (or politionele acties in Dutch)...
  16. Friedrich der Große

    Dutch Gold Coast

    Between 1612 and 1871, the Netherlands had a colony in Ghana, called the Dutch Gold Coast. In 1871, they sold the Gold Coast to the United Kingdom. But what if in an alternate timeline, The Netherlands kept the Gold Coast, and never sell it. What would have happened? Would the Netherlands...
  17. Friedrich der Große

    The Great Dutch World Empire

    Good afternoon, I am searching for a POD of the Netherlands. What I want to have is a POD in which The Netherlands stays/becomes a (middle-)great power in the 19th century and remains it in the 20th and 21th century. What I mean with Middle Great Power is a nation that is not like the real...
  18. Friedrich der Große

    Boers loving the Netherlands

    During the 18th century, Gustaaf Willem van Imhoff, the Dutch governor of the Cape Colony, made plans to let come more pastors to the Colony, to secure a good and better bond with The Netherlands. But these plans were never executed. What if in an alternate timeline these plans were executed...
  19. Friedrich der Große

    Dutch Ceylon

    In OTL, during the Napoleonic Wars, the Netherlands lost Ceylon to the British Empire. The British then defeated the Kingdom of Kandy, which was a kingdom in Ceylon (The Dutch only owned the coastal areas of Ceylon). But what if in an alternate timeline, the Netherlands defeated the Kingdom of...
  20. Friedrich der Große

    A Dutch Germany

    What if in an alternate timeline, the Netherlands got not only Belgium and Luxembourg in 1815 during the Congress of Vienna, but the Rhineland too. ATTENTION: I am not asking for a discussion about ‘they would never get the Rhineland’ or something like that. I am only asking for: WHAT IF the...