something about canals

  1. Gentleman Biaggi

    No Eisenhower | A wikibox timeline (Redux)

    You're back here again? <pulls himself up from the ground> Sigh, yes What's this your 1,000,000,000th TL? Give or take You need to make a promise Sigh, If I don't complete this, I won't make another timeline outside of Shared Worlds Now that that's in order, don't f**k this up I probably will...
  2. water123

    Just how big *could* the Early Caliphates have gotten

    There is no denying that the explosive growth of the early Muslim Caliphates arguably was the greatest act of expansion of a power since Alexander the Great's Empire. At the "high water mark" of the Caliphate, the empire straddled from Aquitaine all the way to India. My question is, in light...
  3. water123

    WI: American Armenia

    I am not sure where, but I heard somewhere that after WWI, there were discussions about annexing Wilsonian Armenia as a US colony, and that there even was some indigenous support for the idea. Is this even possible? And if so, how would it affect the history of the Armenians, the Americans, and...
  4. Alternate Electoral Maps

    One of this forum's favourite tools, the Electoral College Calculator (found below) has quite a few possibilities for some fun and good-looking alternate history, especially if one can throw the pictures around for some fun in Paint or GIMP or similar programs. Most of these pictures appear in...