progressive conservatives

  1. Can the Avro Arrow be saved?

    Like it says on the tin. Can the CF-105 Arrow, a jet interceptor designed and built by Avro Canada in the 1950s, be saved from being canceled during its test phase in 1959? What led to the project being scrapped in the first place, and, should it be a success, would Avro Canada continue to exist...
  2. Chrétien defeats Turner for the Liberal leadership in 1984.

    During the 1984 leadership race for the federal Liberals, Chrétien was the Trudeauist candidate, and was thought to be a dark horse. As we all know, John Turner ended up winning the leadership, and would lose to Brian Mulroney in the biggest landslide Canada has ever seen. So, what if Chrétien...
  3. Charest Stays on as PC Leader in 1998

    In the spring of 1998, then PC leader Jean Charest gave in to public pressure to step down and run for the Quebec Liberals, despite a significant number of members of his own party begging him to stay. What if Charest decided to stay on as PC leader for one more election, citing the lack of a...
  4. CanadianTory

    WI: Lester B. Pearson and the Liberal Party win a majority in 1963?

    @RogueBeaver, @True Grit, @Callan, @Kermode, @Oppo Back in 1963 the Diefenbaker government was in complete disarray. Down in the polls, in some cases as much as twenty-points, the government has enacted some pretty unpopular policies, including the cancellation of the Avro Arrow. It had gotten...
  5. AH Vignette: The Comeback Lady

    Kim Campbell's Upset Victory The exit polls were wrong by a huge scale, from the fact that Kim Campbell had 62 seats and there was to be a Liberal Minority Government with the Bloc being the Opposition, but however, the Progressive Conservatives had 100 seats by the end of the night, the...
  6. What if the PCs did better in the 1993 Canadian election?

    The 1993 Canadian election is a pretty interesting AH topic given how volatile the political environment in Canada was and how there was much potential for different results, in particular the PCs winning or not doing as badly. As the PoD, let's have it that Jean Charest wins the PC leadership...
  7. What if the PCs did better in the 1997 Canadian election?

    What if the Progressive Conservatives had done better in the 1997 Canadian election? Charest got a post-debate bounce and they polled as high as 25% in that election, though in the end got only 19% of the vote and given the inefficient distribution of their support this translated to only 20...
  8. WI: Joe Clark decides two-thirds is enough (Clark in '84)

    A quick search tells me that there have been threads about Clark's government continuing (either via a majority in '79, winning in '80, or just having better political instincts), and even about him returning to the leadership after Mulroney, but I didn't see anything about his leadership...
  9. Progressive Conservative - New Democratic Merger possible?

    With a PoD post-1969 (so the NDP is already established as a party) is there any way for the Progressive Conservatives and the New Democrats to have merged into a single opposition party to the Liberals rather than the PCs and Reform? I was thinking of this as more of a Unite the Center rather...
  10. CanadianTory

    WI: No Pierre Trudeau

    Now I've seen a few threads discuss this idea, and I'm curious about it myself. What would Canadian politics look like without Pierre Trudeau? Doesn't matter if he's killed in 1949 by a sniper or just decides not to run. How would 1968 Liberal leadership unfold? Would John Turner's support with...
  11. Oppo

    WI: Stephen Harper Runs For PC Leadership in 1998

    After Charest's resignation, one of the candidates often mentioned was Stephen Harper, who at the time was a former Reform MP who had broke with the party over social issues and was president of the NCC. As early as 1995, Tories and Reformists upset with Charest/Manning's leadership we're...
  12. Oppo

    A Truth Is A Truth: A Wikibox Timeline
    Threadmarks: The 1987 Liberal Leadership Election

    Can I go home? I need a TL intro. This isn't even a TLIAPOT! shut Fine, what is this about? Canadian politics. Just Canadian politics? I'll do some stuff with the U.K. and U.S., but that will be the focus. Can we just start this? Sure. In 1984, John Turner’s Liberal Party would face a horrible...
  13. Oppo

    AHC: Prime Minister David Orchard

    David Orchard ran for the PC leadership in 1998 and 2003, and was strongly opposed to Unite the Right. He was encouraged to run for Green, Canadian Action, or Liberal leader, but turned down all offers. He would lose a campaign for Parliament as a Liberal and then disappeared from politics. How...
  14. Trudeau Dies in 1979

    On June 4th, 1979, the Progressive Conservative Party formed government for the first time in sixteen years. Joe Clark had been elected leader of the party three years earlier, and the media seemed to think that both his election as leader and his election as Prime Minister had been almost...
  15. CanadianTory

    Lazarus, Icarus, and Canadian Politics: An Infobox Timeline
    Threadmarks: Update #1: Progressive Conservative Party of Canada leadership election, 1993 and Canadian federal election, 1993

    When I first signed-up on the wonderful forum, I immediately started a little TL entitled Redemption: A Political Comeback Story. As you all know, it was pretty horrible and it was never finished (Something that I no doubt have become known for doing). As it was my first story I always felt a...
  16. WI: No face ad?

    In 1993, the Progressive Conservatives attacked Liberal party leader Jean Chretien's face, which was caused by bell's palsy. Chretien responded by comparing them to school bullies he faced as a child. This was one of the reasons the Progressive Conservatives had it's downfall. But what if the...