new deal coalition

  1. FDR killed as president elect in 1933 and his VP is a Keynesian southerner who’s also interventionist on foreign policy (not Huey Long), what changes?

    I’m very curious on this because I’ve wondered about how having a liberal southerner being the one to implement the new deal without caring of budget deficits would change how US politics would look like. How much support would he have in congress? if he tried to court pack would southern dems...
  2. ZeroFrame

    TLIAW: Profiles In Courage
    Threadmarks: Title Card and Intro

    In 1957 John F. Kennedy would write Profiles in Courage, a book about those who crossed party lines and did what they thought was write rather than popular. As we all known my father lost to Richard M. Nixon in 1960 and tragically passed away in 1967. For years I’ve always wanted to honor him...
  3. Nightingale

    (*NDCR) TBWI: JFK wins the Democratic Nomination Over George Wallace, 1968

    In our world, George Wallace achieved an upset win over John F. Kennedy, who was deeply disliked by many, and clinch the Democratic Party's Presidential nomination in 1968, winning by around 50 votes. George Wallace, the first candidate to mount a succesful primary challenge to an incumbent...
  4. TLIAW: The Second Era of Good Feelings

    Harry Truman was a very popular man going into the Presidential Election of 1952. With a booming economy and successful foreign policy, he was sure he could make his mark every bit as strong as his predecessor. Republicans had other plans. They had, they felt, missed their chance in 1948, and...
  5. Nightingale

    WI: FDR is not afraid to deficit spend early on

    Many say the had FDR not cut back on spending, the 1937 recession won't happen and there won't be any resurgence of the Conservative Coalition in 1938, even with the court-packing bonanza, and so, the New Deal Coalition would be even more dominant in such a scenario. Some even say that had that...
  6. Nightingale

    Without the Vietnam War, what country/country conflict can affect the US similarly?

    Without the Vietnam War (say, Nationalists retain Southern China and the Communists Manchuria), what similar foreign fiasco can produce similar effects in the United States? Like effects for example, the New Deal coalition threatened, the counterculture, the disaster that was the 1968 DNC, the...
  7. Nightingale

    AHC: Keep the Northeast and Midwest the largest economic center of the US

    Your challenge, with a POD just after WWII, is to fulfill what the title says. Keep the Midwest and Northeast from rusting, and the electoral college should be similar to 1952, but there are restrictions: 1. A larger US economy. 2. Open to free and fair trade. But they support downscale people...
  8. Nightingale

    Series: California swing state if Dems were Populist and the GOP was moderate (Rockefeller-type)?

    Perhaps if the Dems turn to the right on social issues, make the economy truly progressive and the New Deal coalition is retained and experience a far-reaching Revolution on the scale of OTL Reagan's in the chaos of the 1980 election, and the South stays Democratic. The Republicans are the ones...
  9. JwEX

    Me Instead Of You: A Political Timeline

    "In politics nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way."-F.D.R. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seriously? You just abandoned your old TL. Yup. I wanna take another go. So what's the...
  10. New Deal Coalition Retained: A Sixth Party System Wikibox Timeline

    Hi all. This is my first thread. I've wanted to do a political timeline for a while, and I decided to try something familiar to me. I just want to answer a few questions: This is not a wank. I may be on the conservative side of things but all sides will get a fair shake. Liberals and...