ming china

  1. Ming China: the Sun always Rises. A TL
    Threadmarks: General Yuan Lives!

    Chongzhen sat meditating in a small room trying to escape for a few minutes of the day the bustle of his imperial court and the heavy, stressful demands placed upon the emperor who had to put up so many appearances. Outside, his eunuchs were waiting undoubtedly peeking in through the window...
  2. Latest date to avoid Ming Collapse?

    Could it be done as late as 1627 when Chongzhen takes the throne? Earlier? If yes what did Chongzhen need to do differently? Besides not executing General Yuan Chonghuan of course. (Posted essentially the same question once but it got taken down for a warning so not sure how this goes.)
  3. WI Portuguese Kicked Out of Indian Ocean

    Supposing Portugal's naval and colonial activity east of the Cape of Good Hope was effectively dealt with by a non-European power? FWIW, I currently think the most likely way of doing this is for Burji Egypt, freed up from the threat of the Ottomans, to establish a capable naval response; AAR...