
  1. Beata Beatrix

    AH Vignette: Next Year in Jerusalem

    _____ "And the Lord hardened the heart of Pharaoh, and he hearkened not unto them; as the Lord had spoken unto Moses." -Exodus 9:12 _____ The seder didn’t start until late, and so Anna slept, her best dress on. She was lucky - she wasn’t like so many other children on the ship. When she had...
  2. AHC/WI: Madagascar first settled by Europeans

    The Modern idea is that Madagascar was first settled sometime around 700 AD by shipwrecked Indonesians. This seems fairly easy to avoid. Madagascar is far from Indonesia and it wouldn't seem hard to prevent a shipwreck. The next people who settles there were Omani Traders and East Africans. To...
  3. Fatt Shea

    Challenge: make 1 or more African state modernise

    What you wanna do is get an African nation become modernised, and obviously avoid colonisation. They should at least be modernised to Thai standards or failing that, survive. I'd prefer for them not to be protectorates but if it's needed to survive, then DO IT. Some possible countries: Sokoto...
  4. All Rounder

    How long could Madagascar remain independent of foreign rule?

    A thought that has been floating through my mind was how long can Madagascar last without any form of European colonization, this being through any means possible such as it developing a civilization comparable to 18th century Europe (Non existent possibility) to a simple ignorance of the island...