
  1. What if the Jewish Autonomous Oblast (an autonomous subdivision in russia and USSR for jews) succeeded and became a second Israel?

    What if the Jewish Autonomous Oblast, created by the Soviet Union as a tool to show religious tolerance and respect of minorities turned into a prosperous jewish majority region and became basically like a second Israel? What would need to be changed for it to happen? (Removing Israel isn't...
  2. Ryker of Terra

    Surviving Jews in Nazi Europe - how long can they last?

    I'm not sure why, but I've always been fascinated by remnants - both remnant populations of ethnic/linguistic/religious groups, as well as remnants of 'resistance' that continue for longer than they would be expected to, like the post-WWII Japanese holdouts for example. However, in this thread...
  3. ThomasianHistoryGeek

    Quezon's Manilaners: A New Jewish Homeland (TL)
    Threadmarks: Preface

    Quezon's Manilaners A New Jewish Homeland Escolta St., Manila under U.S.-administered U.N. trusteeship, 1968 Preface Hello! This is my first TL on this site. Before I signed up, I thought Alternate History Fandom Wiki was the main site so I started writing there. Then I realized the fandom...
  4. Judaism without Alexander

    Greetings all, for this thread I'll be asking about the enormous effects of a nonhellenized Judaism. To make things easy the POD is simply no Alexandrian conquests of the Persian empire. Any later or alternative Greek conquests are nowhere near as lucky, and just make it across Anatolia. That...
  5. Jews of the North: A look at the Tsaphonim from original sources
    Threadmarks: Entry 1

    A page from “History of Viking Scandinavia” Published 1998 The first Jews in Scandinavia The sources are scant about the first Jews in the Norse Realms. Oral tradition referenced in writings by Tsaphonim rabbis claim that the first permanent Jewish settlement was in Jutland fleeing from the...
  6. AHC: Second Jewish Temple not destroyed / wank the Jews

    Any POD, anything goes.
  7. AHC/WI: Jewish SSR in Central Asia

    As the title says, what happens if the Soviets decided to make a Jewish SSR in Central Asia with an idea similar to Jewish Autonomous Oblast, a Soviet Socialist Republic for Jews? Where exactly in Central Asia you reckoned the Jewish SSR will be placed in? Will this Jewish SSR break-away from...
  8. A Yiddishland in Europe?

    So I've currently been reading a lot about the political awakening that occurred within the Jewish community of Eastern Europe around the late 19th and early 20th century with writers such as Chaim Zhitlovsky advocating for Jewish Territorialism which differed from Zionism in that Zionism...