
  1. WI: The GOP Became Defunct

    Hoover decides to not seek re-election, and the Republican primary is hotly contested. The candidate who wins is controversial, resulting in FDR winning all 48 states in 1932. The Democrats gain another 30 House seats in 1932, making the House composition 343-87-5. No 1937-1938 recession, so...
  2. SkylineDreamer

    AHC/WI: A Slightly Different Republican and Democrats

    Supposedly there were changes in this alternate American politics, regardless of how it shifted, which made the Dem vs Rep split into these traits. Republicans: Balance between business and regulation, internationalism and realism, but socially liberal Democrats: Protectionist and [if can]...
  3. GOP position on abortion in a timeline where Moral Majority never took off

    This is not a new concept by any means, but I have to say I've read all the threads I can on this topic and am still left wondering: in a timeline where the "Moral Majority" never really gained the foothold it did in GOP politics, would the party at the national level be as reflexively pro-life...
  4. What if Ronald Reagan Had Never Been Elected

    An interesting take on what the United States might be like if Ronald Reagan were never elected President:
  5. Would a 1980 Reagan loss totally sideline supply-side economics?

    This is inspired by a legendary thread by @Nightingale about a Democratic Party revolution in the 1980s. The basic premise is that Ford wins in 1976, leading the Democrats to win the White House four years later and theoretically oversee the '80s economic recovery. The thread can be viewed here...
  6. VadisDeProfundis

    DBWI/AHQ/WI: Nixon’s crimes uncovered earlier

    Richard Nixon was one of the most revered figures in the GOP. His presidency was regarded as one of the most effective, well managed and successful in the history of the United States. From ending the Vietnam War to promoting environmental protection, and from supporting women’s rights to...
  7. Duke Andrew of Dank

    My own US TL Planning Thread

    Simply put, I have been pondering several ideas for a USA TL timeline of my own. So far, I intend to include: - Racial Integration happening in the 1800s. - The British Empire evolving in to the Commonwealth sooner than OTL. - An alternate World War 1 with the US entering sooner. - A possible...
  8. WI: Goldwater Doesn't Run in 1964

    Goldwater was reluctant to run in 1964, but conservatives convinced him to enter the race. While Goldwater upset Rockefeller in the primaries, he lost to LBJ in a landslide. Still, Goldwater's candidacy laid the groundwork for the modern GOP. What might've happened had Goldwater not run in 1964?
  9. AHC: A paleoconservative dominated GOP.

    With a POD no later than 2008, what could be changed to create a GOP that by today would be dominated by a paleoconservative ideaology or similar. For clarifications sake, paleoconservative means: A non-interventionist foreign policy emphasizing a need to protect national sovereignty. A...
  10. AHC/WI: Libertarian GOP and Populist Democrats

    With a POD of 1990 have the GOP be at least semi libertarian, and the democrats be at least semi populist. What effects does this have on us politics? What states become “blue” and “red”? I thought about doing this when I saw these posts...
  11. The Golden GOP: A History of the “California Liberals” and the United States
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1: Shivering in Shasta

    The 1950 California Senate Election or Shivering in Shasta “It certainly seemed odd to me at the time, I’ll admit. I’d only just recently received the request from Nixon to help him in his Senate campaign, he had plans to test the waters up north or something when I got the call. I was told by...
  12. Chapman

    WI Trump Runs in 1988 as a Democrat?

    Most people know that Donald Trump was rumored to have considered a bid for the Presidency, as a Republican, in 1988. However, he was a Democrat up until 1987, and according to Wikipedia, "After rumors of a presidential run, Trump was invited by Democratic senator John Kerry of Massachusetts...
  13. Chapman

    AHC: Pat Buchanan as Republican Nominee

    With the POD(s) being sometime after 1988, your challenge is to have Pat Buchanan become the Republican nominee for President of the United States. The reason I say "nominee", is because he doesn't necessarily have to win the general election that follows; however, I do want to see which states...
  14. The_Russian

    AHC/WI Republican West Coast in 2018?

    With a POD of at least 1960 how can you get the states of Washington, Oregon, and California to be Republican on the state and federal levels? The GOP must stay fisically conservative, but can be more socially liberal than OTL. How does the Democratic Party change? What other states are affected...
  15. Calcaterra

    AHC/WI: A Republican California

    As the tin says, your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to keep California a Republican state and explain the effects of it staying as such. Extra points if after 1992, and if you can get a GOP Californian elected President after 1992.
  16. AHC: John Anderson as the kingmaker in 1980

    John Anderson's run in 1980 was the last, dying gasp of the Rockefeller wing of the Republican party, before it was completely taken over by Reagan/Goldwater conservatives. Anderson has no real chance of winning. He's far, far too liberal for the GOP in 1980, but what if he's able to force a...
  17. Chapman

    WI: Nixon Assassinated?

    As has probably been discussed before, Arthur Bremer, the man who would later shoot and paralyze Alabama Governor George Wallace, had initially plotted to kill then-President Richard Nixon. On April 13, 1972, Bremer traveled to Ottawa, Wisconsin with a revolver tucked into his jacket pocket...
  18. AHC: No Watergate coverup - who's the '76 GOP nominee?

    Hello, all--welcome to Watergate thread #9000. As I've read over other threads with a similar premise, I've wondered - if Nixon finishes his second term, without a Watergate cover up, who would be the GOP nominee in 1976? I'm skeptical that either Reagan or Connally would be shoe-ins, though I...
  19. With a post roe vs wade POD, weaken the religious right

    With a Pod after roe v wade, find a way to have the religious right be weaker within the Republican Party. I personally think that having Gerald Ford win the 1976 election, and having the Democrats rule throughout the 80s could make Republicans believe that the Religious Right isn't as powerful...
  20. Would George H.W Bush winning re-election, result in a GOP that is less extreme in the long term?

    While it's true that the GOP had been moving to the right, pretty much since the 60s onwards, the defeat of Bush did seem to act a serious blow to the already weakening old establishment of the GOP. It also gave a real boost to the movement conservatives by allowing them to create the narrative...