
  1. PakistaniGuyUK

    Thought Experiment: How far East can you go before a "White Christian" nation would no longer be deemed a suitable candidate for EU expansion?

    So I’ve created this alternate map of West Asia for this purpose. In this alternative world, by 1992 and up to the present day, we are left with a ‘Christian arc' of independent states stretching from Ukraine to Goa. The rest of the world is exactly the same, albeit with a few countries losing a...
  2. How could the "Western World" & Warsaw Pact countries become dictatorships or have very hard right wing governments post-1945 ?

    By the Western World I mean : Canada France West Germany Scandinavian countries Iceland Finland Benelux countries Italy I know France had a few attempts due to the Algerian War of Indepedence, Italy had two, one was planned ( ) the other was...
  3. GameBawesome

    WI: "Neocolonalism" in the 19th Century/European Economic Imperialism in Africa

    Alright, this title is an oxymoron, but hear me out. In OTL, the Scramble for Africa was the large-scale colonization by Europeans, where they met in the Berlin Conference, which finalized European colonization and trade in Africa, and is usually referred to as the starting point of the...
  4. A Better Post-WWII Italy & Rest Of The World
    Threadmarks: The Point Of Divergences : A Discussion

    One thing that I wonder is why lots of threads discuss just one POD instead of multiples. I for my timeline want to do multiples and want to know your opinions. Canada actually owns the Carribbean and Falklands when a jokes gets serious and taken to parliament and passes (barely) Rhodesia joins...
  5. What were the different colonization practices between the European powers on the new world?

    What were the different colonization and administration practices that the European powers used in the new world(England; France;Spain; Portugal )?
  6. AHC: Make Western-Japanese hybrid culture (similar to JRPGs) become a reality somewhere

    In Japanese RPG games and some similarly themed Western video games (for example the JRPG "Chrono Trigger" or the Hungarian Manga RPG "Amnézia") the world presented before the player has a kind of syncretism of Medieval Japan and Medieval Europe, with some common Modern elements also added in...
  7. AHC: politically unified European Union

    With any POD after Germany's unconditional surrender on 8 May 1945, form the European Union an actual federal and democratic superstate encompassing (at minimum) France, western Germany, Italy, and the United Kingdom. Bonus points if you do it through bilateral or multilateral agreements...
  8. GameBawesome

    Majapahit Rump State survival

    What if there was never a Demak invasion, and the Majapahit survives as a former shadow of itself. The Majapahit remains majority Hindu, and survives to the European Colonization, but is able to stay independent. How would the Remnant of the Majapahit react to European contact and trade? Note...
  9. AHC: Make India divided by European empires

    As the title implies, your challenge is to have India be divided by the European empires instead of being a singular colony, basically a similar situation to Africa and South East Asia. It can be divided by Britain, France, Portugal, Spain, Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, and/or Italy.
  10. European Maps

    You can put all your European Alternative History into
  11. Fate of European colonies if Nazi Germany wins WW2

    Ignoring the difficulties of how to get the Nazis to win the war just for a moment, let's assume they do for the sake of the thread. We'll also assume Japan still loses and that Britain gets a white peace. My question: what you think would happen to colonies/overseas territories belonging to...
  12. What if the Europeans had caused about 75% of Africa's population to die?

    Let's say disease and revolts are what kills them. Europeans are crueler when the Natives attempt to revolt and become independent. What would that do to Africa today? Would Africa be a wealthier continent? How resentful would the African nations be to the Europeans today?
  13. GauchoBadger

    PC: An European monarch setting foot in the Americas before 1808

    Is there any PoD for an european royal head of state to visit at least one region of the Americas, before the Portuguese royal family's flight from Napoleon's armies to Brazil in 1808?
  14. IamtheEmps

    Most Pivotal Battle in European History

    So I was wondering what you guys thought was the most pivotal, i.e. battle that affected Europe in the long run the most. Most basically changing the outcome of this battle is a POD that would see some of the most long term political changes. Now while the most obvious one is Milvian Bridge, as...
  15. The Forty-Eighth Rōnin

    AHC/WI: A Mongolian European royal house/dynasty

    The challenge is have an actual Mongol royal house rule at least one European state. It doesn't have to exclusively be a direct Borjigin line. Bonus if they managed to survive to the present day.
  16. AHC: European Union becomes political union?

    What's the best point in the last century at which the EU could have become the democratic "United States of Europe" that it's original proponents claimed it would become?
  17. WI: Great European migration to the Americas

    The scenario is this: great apocalypse-like disaster occurred in Europe. It was so bad many Europeans thought their land is doomed and wanted to get out of it. Their destination? The lands beyond the western oceans. Fast forward, these migrants settled in the Americas, and formed their own new...
  18. Petike

    Challenge: ESA's flight spacesuit and extravehicular spacesuit

    All right, this could very well be a future history WI as well, but given possible alternate developments in ESA's past, I'm rather posting this discussion here. To date, the European Space Agency has not developed a spacesuit of its own, particularly due to not having its own manned...