european politics

  1. Friedrich der Große

    Greater Dutch colonial empire

    So what if in 1814/1815, the Netherlands never got Belgium and Luxembourg, but instead Austria gets back the Austrian Netherlands. This would mean that the Netherlands would get back all their pre-Napoleonic colonies. So what would happen next with The Netherlands and their colonial empire...
  2. What if Rainer Barzel had become Chancellor of Germany?

    On April 27 1972 the Bundestag voted on a Constructive vote of no Confidence on the government of Willy Brandt, the SDP-FDP coalition having lost its majority due to defections to the opposition, largely becuase of the governments policy of Ostpolitik - a rapproachment with East Germany. The...
  3. All Gall: A French Politics TL
    Threadmarks: Introduction

    All Gall A French Politics TL by gaitskellitebevanite VIVE DE GAULLE! This old man he played ONE He played knick-knack at Verdun Cognac, Armagnac, Burgundy and Beaune This old man came rolling hime This old man, World War TWO He told Churchill what to do Free French General, crosses...
  4. DBWI: The UK Tories Win in 1992

    As expected, the 1992 UK election resulted in a hung parliament with Labour holding the most seats. But what if John Major had been able to pull off an upset and the Tories had won in 1992?
  5. WI: Churchill Calls an Election in 1940

    What if Winston Churchill had decided to call a general election in 1940?
  6. WI: UK Labour Wins in 1970

    What if Labour had won the 1970 UK General Election as expected?
  7. European Integration without WW2

    Some form of European integration seems unavoidable in the long run. Ideas like ethnic nationalism, racial hierarchies, and eugenics would've faded away more gradually without their sudden discrediting OTL after WW2, but they likely would've declined in either scenario. Once Europe is mostly...
  8. WI: Gordon Brown Calls A General Election in 2007

    After Gordon Brown succeeded Tony Blair in 2007, many expected the new PM to call a general election. At the time Brown was enjoying a honeymoon period and Labour was leading in the polls. However, Brown decided not to call an election. The following year Labour slipped in the polls in the midst...
  9. WI: Callaghan Calls a General Election in 1978

    By 1978 the UK's economy was improving and it had been four years since the last general election, so Prime Minister James Callaghan's decision not to call an election was as a surprise to many at the time. He thought that the economy would improve further in 1979 and therefore waiting would...
  10. IamtheEmps

    Most Pivotal Battle in European History

    So I was wondering what you guys thought was the most pivotal, i.e. battle that affected Europe in the long run the most. Most basically changing the outcome of this battle is a POD that would see some of the most long term political changes. Now while the most obvious one is Milvian Bridge, as...