
  1. United Africas Horn under the ethiopian monarchy after WW2?

    I read that in the mid 40s the ethipian emperor demanded italian somaliland tough the british appeased him with only the ogaden and confederation with eritrea (that he later annexed), so in an escenario where the empire manages to control the whole horn (this ist a PC, tough how they manage that...
  2. Orthodoxy and Script spreads to W Africa

    The Trans-Saharan trade routes served as the introduction of Islam and Islamic scripts to W/Africa. So maybe prior to the Muslim conquest of N. Africa can we have similar introduction of Eastern Orthodoxy and an associated script to W. Africa. Further, maybe following being cut off due to the...
  3. Somali victory in the Ogaden War , When does Ethiopia try to retake it

    Say the Ogaden war ends in a ceasefire with Somalia in control of the Ogaden along with Ethiopia within the Soviet sphere and Somalia in the American. When does Ethiopia try to retake the Ogaden Region Would they be successful
  4. jyanoshik

    The Lion of Judah Roars Again: An early Ethiopian Civil War
    Threadmarks: Preface

    Preface In the century after the year 1930 massive changes were in store for the ancient nation of Ethiopia. In this year the man who would come to be known as Haile Selassie assumed his imperial title, and inherited one of the longest lasting and proudest nations in Africa. Despite this...
  5. T-Mag 3004

    How can Italy defeat and conquer Ethiopia?

    In one of my older threads, I posted a multi POD scenario that in hindsight, failed for obvious reasons. However, in that thread, one of the PODs involved the following. "6: Ethiopia loses the First Ethiopian-Italian war, making them a part of Italy's colonial empire" Which turns out to be...
  6. lerk

    WI: USSR supports Somalia over Ethiopia in Ogaden War

    The Ogaden War was two Soviet-aligned states fighting each other, and as such the USSR decided to pick a size. They went with Ethiopia over Somalia, causing Somalia to cut off all ties with the USSR and become US-aligned. But let's say that the USSR decides to with Somalia. What happens next?
  7. Incanian

    "And New Moscow will be Its Name!" - A Russian Ethiopia Timeline
    Threadmarks: The Judgement of The Great Tsar

    PART I Chapter I- The Judgement of the Great Tsar Nikolai Ashinov sits impatiently. Sitting on a chair inside the Gatchina palace waiting to have an audience with the great Romanov. He had long been fascinated with the land of Abyssinia and believed it one of the greatest lands of...
  8. Incanian

    Russian Ethiopia

    So I had an ambitious idea to write my first timeline on this site, and I need some help. I really wanted to do one on A Russian Ethiopia and had a particular idea in mind. This was the timeline I would be basing it off of...
  9. Incanian

    AHC The Ottomans Pathe The Way To Ethiopia

    Try to find a way for the Ottomans, from any time in history to colonize Eritrea, Ethiopia, and Somalia, basically the Horn of Africa.
  10. Incanian

    AHC Yasuke Becomes Shogun of Japan

    Yasuke was a Black man who became a Samurai in Japan. He was of either Angolan, Mozambiquean, or Ethiopian origin, and arrived in Japan in 1579, who was brought by an Italian Jesuit Alessandro Valigano. He came to the capital in 1581. It is stated that several people were trampled to death...
  11. AHC: Developed Ethiopia

    Like the title says. The challenge is to make this African nation into a First-World country, rather than the backwater state in the OTL. It can be monarchy or republic. Bonus points if Ethiopia's economic levels is on par with Japan or South Korea.
  12. Incanian

    CENTRAL POWERS VICTORIOUS!! What happens to Ethiopia?

    So when discussing a Central Power victory, I was always interested in the effects of distant independent nations. My question, is what happens to Abyssinia, now that the central Powers won ww1? my thought was that now that Italy is weakened from losing the war, the Germans (with...
  13. WI - Ethiopia wins the Abyssinian–Adal war

    What if the Ethiopian Empire (with help from the Portuguese) managed to win against the Adal Sultanate (and Ottoman Empire)? And how would Ethiopian victory effect the Great Oromo migrations?
  14. Plausibility Check for a raid on the Suez Canal

    Lets say that for whatever reason, Ethiopia and Haiti (or whatever other small, impoverished country of your choose) develop close ties in the interwar period. When the Wal Wal incident occurs Haile Selassie, knowing the Italians would use this as a pretext for war, orders his diplomats and army...
  15. WI - Plague of Justinian affected Arabia and Horn of Africa

    Not sure if it was already the case in OTL, yet what if the Plague of Justinian managed to affect most if not all of Arabia as well as the Horn of Africa? Aside from negatively impacting OTL population growth of the Arabs, what other knock-on effects on would this ATL Plague of Justinian likely...
  16. Livius wannabe

    Suez crisis: non-military reaction

    What if the Suez crisis in 1956 is addressed in a different way than an invasion? In lieu of what is happening with the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam today, would it be possible to convince the Negus to allow building a dam or to divert the flow of the Blue Nile in another way? And if that...
  17. Ogaden War WIs

    In July of 1977, Somalia invaded the weakened Ethiopian state in an attempt to gain the Somali-inhabited Ogaden region. Initially, the war went very well, and the Somalis threw the Ethiopians back. However, only months before the Somali invasion, Ethiopia had aligned itself to the Soviet...
  18. [Ethiopia AH] - Rise to Power?

    See above. Obviously by the 1900s Ethiopia was unified, but already outstripped technologically by most of the modern world. It had very little in the way of precious goods to fund a serious industrialization effort and was fragmented politically and dynastically, paving the way for an Italian...
  19. Historyman 14

    Italy's Finland: Ethiopian Victory over Italy

    The idea here is Ethiopia does much better (With more support), and the Italians does worst, in turn inflict a strategic stalemate on the Italians long enough to force Italy at the negotiating table, (With the UK and France siding with the Ethiopians.) Italy is force to withdraw from Ethiopia...
  20. Battle Of Mecca

    So I have participated in this year's MUN of my school and the committee I have joined is European Conglomerate. The committee is set during World War 1. The committee does not follow the actual timeline or war. Till now a lot has happened and one of the current update is: 150k Ottoman troops...