
  1. Haile Selassie became emperor of Ethiopia in 1918?

    Tafari Makonnen, then Regent of Ethiopia and heir to the throne, briefly contracted the Spanish Flu, but survived and would eventually become emperor in 1930 after the death of empress Zewditu. WI Zewditu fell ill with the flu and died in 1918, thus putting Haile Selassie on the Ethiopian...
  2. WI: No Italian Unification

    Background Information: The Italian Unification (1848-1871) or the Risorgimento was the merging of different states in the Italian Peninsula into The Kingdom of Italy (1861-1946) which would go on to be a colonial empire. But what if that...
  3. SealTheRealDeal

    WI: Italy remains neutral in WWI and instead invades Ethiopia (again) while no one is paying attention?

    Say the italian diplomatic corps determines that the terms offered by the Entente are too infirm/meagre, and Italy accordingly decided against trying to flood the Alps with the blood of its youth. Would this be a good opportunity to settle the score with Ethiopia? It's pretty well guaranteed...
  4. SunKing105

    WI: Haile Selassie killed after Maychew

    The Battle of Maychew was a major battle which consisted of a failed counterattack by the forces of Emperor Haile Selassie against Pietro Badoglio around March 31st, 1936. The battle almost assured Italian victory, and resulted in the destruction of Haile Selassie's army in the north. Badoglio...
  5. The Militant Doberman

    WI: Disney’s “Mulan” (1998 version) was set in Ethiopia during the Italo-Abyssinian War?

    With Disney’s live-action Mulan remake in the headlines I thought this might make an interesting discussion. It’s inspired by posts from a few months ago: So what if the basic plot of the 1998 animated film was instead transplanted to 1930s Kingdom of Ethiopia? Thus instead of Mulan being...
  6. kasumigenx

    AHC:Axum unites Ethiopia and Nubia and conquers Egypt

    Axum unites Ethiopia and Nubia and conquers Egypt, is this possible?
  7. AltoRegnant

    AHC: Wank The Egyptian Empire

    Otl, Ancient Egypt often failed to hold its levantine holdings, probably in part due to the desert causing logistical issues. But there's more to conquest than getting your chariots there and having 15 Battles of Kadesh. Your goal is to give ancient Egypt as much land as possible...
  8. WI Emperor Haille Selasse fled to Jamaica in 1974?

    WI the Ethiopian famine of 1973 forced Emperor Haille Selasse to resign and flee to Jamaica? How would that change Ethiopian history? How would that change Jamaican history? How would that change the Rastafarian faith?
  9. Bountifulauto82

    Partition of Sudan

    I was bored and messing around with mapchart, and i accidentally made this map. This got me thinking, how could Sudan get partitioned between Egypt and Ethiopia like in the map? Edit: Added a file. Does this map work better?
  10. WI: Buddhism in the Horn of Africa

    There has been trade between South Asia and the Horn of Africa since antiquity. What if Buddhist missionaries went there and their teachings caught on among the locals?
  11. AHC: Save the Kingdom of Semien

    Your challenge is relatively straightforward: have the Kingdom of Semien survive until at least 1900.
  12. Realistic Bigger Ethiopia in 19th century

    Inspired by this thread about Greater Ethiopia. As the title says, how big can Ethiopia realistically be in 19th Century of expansion? Will it turn out like these pics below or not? If not, how much territory you think can the Ethiopian Empire can realistically hold? On other...
  13. No Islam on Sub-Saharan Africa.

    Hey all, looking back I'm glad my first thread on this topic went well. Anyways, now I'll ask how a 'No Islam scenario would affect Africa', immensely I imagine. For a POD, once again Mohammed either never begins his teachings, or he just dies early. Whatever works. So here are some of my...
  14. Mersechal

    Triumph in Africa: A Second Italo-Ethiopian War/Pan-African TL
    Threadmarks: Timeline Proposal

    Jeff Pearce, in his book ( about the Second Italo-Ethopian War wrote: This was not true in the Ethiopian war. Fewer than 200 volunteers would be able to make it to Ethiopia in OTL. But… what if there was a timeline in which this was not true...
  15. No Afro Asiatic Migrations.

    Hello once again. What would be the results if the ancestors of the Afro Asiatic languages were to die off early on, or at least never expand as far as they did? As you can imagine this POD goes back LONG ways (18,000 years according to some). Thus it will have a lot of changes later on. Just...
  16. Whiteshore

    Could any other African states have "pulled an Abyssinia/Ethiopia"

    Historically, Abyssinia/Ethiopia was unique amongst native African states in that it was able to fend off European imperialism during the Scramble of Africa in the famous Battle of Adowa of 1896, where Ethiopian forces defeated the Italians, preserving Ethiopian independence. The question is...
  17. GauchoBadger

    WI: Ethiopia vassalizes South Arabia, again?

    A rather simple scenario. So, with a PoD after 1000, that is, after Queen Gudit's purported "reign of terror", how can Ethiopia oversee stable enough growth to politically and economically vassalize the tribes of Yemen on the other side of the Red Sea, like Axum had done centuries before? How...
  18. AHC/WI The Oromos become the most powerful ethnic group in Ethiopia?

    In otl the oromo are the first minority in Ethiopia but the Amhara still remain the most powerful and dominant group because historical reasons. Your challenge is to make the oromo hegwmonic and explore how things change now that the country is governed by a majority muslim cushitic people. Do...
  19. Modern Ethiopia: How Did it Get There?

    Chapter 1 Aman Andom was sipping some Tej. Atnafu walked in. "You do realize that Eritreans will not except any settlement?" "Shut up. I am an Eritrean, I know my homeland. Selassie took their rights." "You better listen to us, you are angering most of us. Just look at what happened to most...
  20. Atterdag

    What if Zara Yaqob had dammed off the Nile?

    So if you don't know, the ethiopian emperor Zara Yakub threatened that he would build dams to halt the Nile's flow, when he heard that the Sultan was destroying christian churches. He never did this, I don't even know if the engineering technology to do so existed at the time. But what if he...