eastern orthodox

  1. PC/WI: Orthodox Spain

    If the Byzantines were stronger in the west, was there any possibility of an Orthodox Spain and what would be the consequence? If it's possible the best pod in my opinion would be for the Byzantines to hold on to Italy before the schism and keep Spain within its sphere. What changes would there...
  2. AHC: Orthodox Caucasian Empire

    With any pod between 1050 and 1750, how cam we get a unified Caucasus under the Orthodox faith that can repel the Turkic invasions. Two possibilities that come mind are a Georgia that remains unified or a Circassia that decides to rebuild it. What other candidates are there and what major...
  3. AHC: Protestant-Orthodox Alliance

    After the year 1525, how can we get Protestants and the Eastern Orthodox Church to see each other as common allies against the Catholics as opposed to merely seeing each other as another heresy as otl? While Protestants have moved historically to work with the eastern churches at times, was...
  4. PC/WI: Orthodox Lithuanian Kingdom

    What hurdles would need to be overcome for the Lithuanians to convert to Orthodoxy early as possible and how would that affect eastern European history? To my knowledge individuals have converted to Christianity on occasion albeit to Catholicism, but that they didn't convert nationally until the...
  5. AHC: Russia as Eastern Orthodox Theocracy

    As the title suggests, make Russia as an Eastern Orthodox Theocracy, rather than turned into OTL Soviet Union. The POD is from 1900s.
  6. AHC: Theocratic Eastern Orthodox State

    Have a Eastern Orthodox theocracy emerge sometime after 1900. Ideally with a pod that spurs this development that is also after 1900. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theocracy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eastern_Orthodox_Church
  7. GauchoBadger

    An Eastern Orthodox Sweden?

    IOTL, Medieval Sweden has extensive contacts with Russia, which, as we all know, converted to Orthodox Christianity under Byzantine influence. Is there any way for this religious influence to somehow also be bounced off towards Sweden, resulting in an Orthodox Christian country in Scandinavia...