chiang kai shek

  1. How would China be if CP won WW1? (No USSR)

    It’s an odd question, but it’s what I’ve been mulling. How would China be if Central powers won WW1? This was before the Bolshevik Revolution so there is no USSR? I figure there may be warlordism, but that would end when Japan would still cause problems Would Kai-Shek take over? If he died...
  2. John Galt

    Keeping Chiang Kai-Shek in Power (In Mainland China)

    Chiang Kai-Shek's Nationalist Kuomintang historically lost the Chinese Civil War to Mao and the Communist Party of China. The question is, is it plausible for Kai-Shek to win the Civil War AND retain his power after the war? He doesn't have to necessarily be the vanguard for democracy in Asia...
  3. Bomster

    Democratic China?

    I know that this might be an AH cliche but was it ever possible for China to become a democratic nation at any point in the twentieth century?
  4. ajdb0614

    WI: Total Nationalist victory in the Chinese Civil War - Effects on Asia and the Cold War?

    This thread isn't going to be a discussion of why or how the ROC wins ITTL. Perhaps Chiang doesn't do [something dumb] and does [something smart] while Mao doesn't do [something smart] and does [something dumb]. Whatever the cause or POD - The National Revolutionary Army utterly smashes the PLA...
  5. WI: Chiang Kai-Shek and the Nationalist Kuomintang were able to win the Chinese Civil War?

    I think this could be an interesting concept, I'd imagine that there's already been some threads revolving around this question but I personally haven't seen any. First off, this COULD have happened, especially if the U.S.A. had been more supportive of the Kuomintang and if they were able to win...
  6. Nationalist China as the Third Superpower in the Cold War?

    As we all know, the Communists won the Civil War, and Chiang Kai-Shek and the Kuomintang fled to Taiwan. And from there on out Chiang's Republic of China was reliably pro-US in foreign policy. But then again, Taiwan didn't have much of a choice in that regard due to its small size. I think...
  7. Could the ROC have ever retaken the mainland?

    With a POD after the end of the Chinese Civil War, would the ROC have ever been able to retake at least some of the mainland and hold it? OTL the ROC developed plans to retake the mainland, but the US actively opposed any such plans. Even during the Korean War and the Taiwan Straits crises of...
  8. AHC: Taiwan goes full pariah

    I'm thinking of a TL where Taiwan goes full pariah/extremist along Israel/North Korea levels, such as: continuing and supporting anti-PRC terrorism genocide and segregation of Taiwanese Aborigines testing of Nuclear weapons ...into the 2010s. Can this be achieved with a post-1945 POD? (NOTE...