
  1. AHC: Greek Balkans

    With any POD between 500 BCE and 500 CE, have the Balkans be almost entirely Greek-speaking today. This should include everything south of the Sava and Danube Rivers; bonus points if Pannonia and Transylvania are also Greek-speaking. Double bonus points if there is little to no Slavic or Romance...
  2. Alcsentre Calanice

    [POLL] Would Byzantium be better off without Justinian's conquests?

    From an ideological point of view, Justinians attempted Restauratio imperii was quite reasonable. The Roman Empire without Italy, without Rome, without the half of its ancient territory doesn't look that impressive so to say. But this is mere ideology. Justinians invasion of Italy ruined the...
  3. Stolengood

    [POLL] Is the Byzantine Empire a continuation of the Roman Empire?

    Because that topic's gotten just so gosh-darned popular, nowadays...
  4. WI: Western and Eastern Achaemenid Empires

    In a scenario where Alexander never conquered the Achaemenid Empire and they survived for at least 300 more years, could this surviving Achaemenid Empire go through a Rome-like development, where the core territory falls but the wealthier, new territory becomes the center of the empire? In other...
  5. Out of the Ashes: The Byzantine Empire From Basil II To The Present
    Threadmarks: Foreword

    Out of the Ashes: The Byzantine Empire From Basil II To The Present Graecia capta ferum victorem cepit et artes intulit agresti Latio. “Conquered Greece took captive her savage conqueror and brought her arts into rustic Latium.” Horace “Antiquity is over, but its last war is yet to end.”...
  6. The Desert Sands- an alternate history from the 7th century AD

    Listo f geographic names and their OTL equivalents: Adarbaigan =Iranian Azerbaijan Albania= Azerbaijan Assyria= northern Iraq (including Irasqi Kurdistan) Betica= Andalusia Beth Qatriye= Qatar and UAE Ifriqia=Tunisia and ad Tripolitania Mazun= northern Oman Miaphysite = Oriental Orthodox...
  7. EmperorOfTheNorthSea

    Vinland, the Land of Wealth and Ambition
    Threadmarks: 1

    My TL, at first out one of my favorite Alternate History discussions, Vinland. Enjoy, and please excuse my poor grammar and lack of knowledge on Norse naming, and please also forgive my lack of the use of Nordic characters as I'm just going to anglicize it both to be easier on me and people who...
  8. Renovation: An Eastern Roman Timeline
    Threadmarks: Intro

    Hey there I've been a member here for a few years now, and a huge fan of the Eastern Roman Empire and its history. Despite my decently good knowledge of the state, I've always been wary of attempting to do a timeline on the subject matter as I haven't felt confident in my abilities to...
  9. Sargon

    No Terror of Justinian - Glory Instead! (The Roman Emperor Who Lost His Nose - A TL of Justinian II)
    Threadmarks: Introduction & Overview

    Introduction & Overview Justinian: The most fascinating yet overlooked Emperor of all the Roman Emperors that I know about in the 1500 years of Empire in OTL was an arrogant, stubborn, cruel and oppressive individual who ended his days in insanity and blood-soaked revenge of all those he...