bronze age

  1. debel84

    A very different Bronze Age: No Assyria, no Babylon, dominant Aleppo, and more

    The Empire of Haladia Upon a throne, sat a boy. His head was adorned with the jewels of a hundred conquered peoples, his eyes painted with the blood of millions. His throne sat atop a fortress, a terraced limestone monster from which he could see for kilometers. For hundreds of kilometers in...
  2. WI: Civilization in the Sahel earlier

    What would happen if a civilization approximately at the level of Mediterranean civilizations developed in the Sahel during the Bronze/Iron Age? What effects would it have on African history? How would it affect the Bantu migrations and other events in African history? What interactions would it...
  3. Living on Ma’at: An Atenist Egypt TL
    Threadmarks: Introduction

    You arise beautiful from the horizon on heaven, living disk, origin of light. You are arisen from the horizon, you fill every land with your beauty. You are fine, great, radiant, lofty over and above every land. Your rays bind the lands to the limit of all you have made, you are the sun, you...
  4. debel84

    The History Simulator

    Remember the nation battle royales which made the rounds on Youtube like 2-3 years ago? Well I made my own, but with many more features that turned it from a battle royale simulator, to a proper history simulator, ran on Google Sheets. And this is going to be me regularly updating you on the...
  5. Dyl7atalthist

    What would happen if the Indo-European Invasions never occurred?

    So I was interested in this for a bit, and I really want to hear what you think. The Indo-European invasions were large migrations in the Bronze Age which went west to Europe and East to Iran and India. It destroyed the local civilization there and had a varying degree on the local genetics.
  6. debel84

    The Long Bronze Age TL

    Coming up on a year ago, I created and ran a project intended to "simulate" the history of a whole new world, from 3500 BCE to 1955 CE, heavily inspired by the nation battle royales that kind of dominated mapping Youtube a while ago. This would be the final project in a long line dubbed the...
  7. imperiusdamian

    Living Forever Like Ra - a Dynastic Egypt Timeline
    Threadmarks: chapter 1

    This is my first attempt at a timeline. I love ancient Egyptian history and am forever fascinated by the idea of how things might have gone. Let me know what you think! Chapter 1: The Unsteady Crown April, 1186 BCE (Gregorian Calendar) The crowns still feeling heavy and unsteady on his head...
  8. AHC/WI: Upper and Lower Egypt not united

    There is some evidence for dynastic Ancient Egypt existing even before Narmer if I remember correctly, but what if it never became one nation and remained seperate, distibct ones? What would be its impact on the Bronze Age and beyond?
  9. How would the discovery of gunpowder in the stone age/early bronze age effect civilization in the millennia to come?

    Assume gunpowder is invented, studied, improved-upon and refined in prehistory, what would be the large-scale implications of such a discovery on culture, religion, warfare, superstition, traditions, etc? How would this affect the rise and fall of certain empires or peoplegroups in this...
  10. Who were the Minoans ?

    I came across this Old Thread by @SlyDessertFox who proposes that Minoans were Phoenicians mixed with Cretans ?this inspired me make this thread to ask your opinion on the Origin of the Minoans.
  11. SunKing105

    WI: Libyans conquer Egypt?

    The Bronze Age collapse, while undoubtedly quite a dark era in terms of written source material, is not as mysterious as popular culture and the mass media makes it out to be. On one of the few written records that shed light on what happened, a monumental inscription of pharaoh Merneptah, known...
  12. Alternate Cradles of Civilisation

    In OTL, there were 6 cradles of civilisation (Mesopotamia, Egypt, Indus Valley, North China Plain, Mesoamerica and Peru). Great Bronze Age civilisations such as the Akkadians, Hittites, Ancient Egypt, Indus Valley Civilisation, Ancient China, the Olmecs and the Norte Chico civilisation emerged...
  13. The Palace of the Red Land - An Alternate History of the Minoan Civilization
    Threadmarks: Part I: The Voyage to Haven

    The Palace of the Red Land ‘’My lords, we have had our fill of the good things we have shared, and of the banquet’s boon companion, the harp. Let us go out of doors now and try our hands at various sports so that when our guest has reached his house he can tell his friends that at boxing...
  14. The Waters of Tritonis – a North African Cradle of Civilization

    If one were to visit the Chotts of Tunisia and Algeria today they would see a wide, flat expanse of salt and sand, punctuated by the occasional oases, the only green intervals in that dry sea. But travelling back as early as six thousand years ago, one would have admired a very different...
  15. SunKing105

    WI: Neo-Hittite wank?

    The Bronze Age collapse, was among the most devastating events in history in this time period. While some cultures and civilizations disappeared entirely, others were severely damaged, and general urbanization decreased rapidly. One of the civilizations that fell underneath the cascade of...
  16. SunKing105

    AHC/WI: Ur III survives and the Sumerian Renaissance continues?

    The dynasty of Ur III, was one of the last resurgences of the Sumerians, their final chance at glory, before their empire collapsed and their loss of state and demographic power in regards to the various migrations to the region. There were many notable accomplishments that occurred during their...
  17. SunKing105

    WI: Earlier Akkadian collapse?

    While the Akkadian Empire today has been entrenched in the historical memory nowadays as one of the first empires in history, founded by Sargon of Akkad, like all first empires, it had to deal with the problem of consolidating it's gains and warding off rebellions. While there is alot unknown in...
  18. SunKing105

    WI: Brass Age?

    IOTL, bronze was a crucial material for the development of civilization, arising out of an alloy with copper and tin. However, tin was always quite rare in the ancient world, and only particularly wealthy kingdoms and states could afford to use it on a large scale. It is the 49th most abundant...
  19. TheDoofusUser

    The City that Couldn't Die - A Damascene Bronze Age and Beyond TL
    Threadmarks: Prologue

    When many think of ancient civilizations of the Aleasr Alburunziu [1], they think of the mighty Kingdom of Misr [2], or the ever expanding Hathaa [3] and Old Alashuria [4] Empires, or the marvelous palaces of the Almysiniuwn [5] of Alyunan [6], but few remember the Economically Powerful but...
  20. SunKing105

    WI: Linear B survives

    What if the written syllabaic script of the Myceneans, known as Linear B, had managed to survive the Bronze Age Collapse?