
  1. GameBawesome

    Legendary Battles that never happened.

    In the long history of the world, there are many clashes and battles that are almost legendary. The Battle of Thermopylae, the Battle of Zama, the Battle of Tours to name a few. All these battles are that legendary in history. However, there are battles that could've occurred, but never did...
  2. SunKing105

    AH Battles Thread

    Inspired by the AH Quote thread and Cultural Descriptions thread, I decided to make a similar thread to alternate battles. They don't have to be Pre-1900, and they must not have happened OTL at all in the precise space, you are creating the circumstances for an AH battle to take place, describe...
  3. IamtheEmps

    Most Pivotal Battle in European History

    So I was wondering what you guys thought was the most pivotal, i.e. battle that affected Europe in the long run the most. Most basically changing the outcome of this battle is a POD that would see some of the most long term political changes. Now while the most obvious one is Milvian Bridge, as...
  4. Gukpard

    Unusual and funny battles tactics

    I had this idea of making a thread about unorthodox strategic moves used in pre 1900 battles To start, in 1865 during the late stages of the battle of the riachuelo in the triple alliance war, the brazilian admiral Barroso in his flagship, Amazonas, noticed that the paraguayan ships were...