alterate universe

  1. Ursogulos

    Easternized/ Muslim world Dress and architecture thread

    So as the title goes, this thread will be images of alternate worlds Where Chinese/ Indian/ Muslim civilization is prominent which depicts alternate styles of common dress, uniform, fashion in general and also Architecture. Feel free to contribute original pictures or photoshopped ones.
  2. Ninja2006

    OPEN DISCUSSION: An Different Cartoon Network

    Exactly what it says on the tin can, this is my thread on an alternative universe Cartoon Network. You all are free to do what you want. Fantasy lineups/schedules are even included.
  3. Mr_ Bondoc

    Iron Eagle: Operation Eagle

    Believe it or not, there is actually a pretty solid steampunk mechanism video game series, and yes, it features a post-World War I vibe. And now it features Americans (a.k.a. "Usonians"). I am surprised this game isn't discussed on the site more:
  4. (DBWI) No HIT Comics?

    OK, so everyone at this point has heard of the two biggest Comic Publishers of all time right? DC (formerly National) and HIT (Formerly Quality) have been in the pop culture Nexus ever since the 1930s, although it was the 40s when they both truly hit their stride with guys like Wonder Woman...
  5. Alternate Island Africa With Lakes

    Okay, so I found this map of Africa on the Imaginary Maps reddit: ...and I have been picturing an Africa in an alternate Earth where the lands of Turkey, Iran and the Arabian Peninsula never physically existed. Combine all of those features, and how would Africa's landmass be affected...
  6. BillKerman1234

    Apollo 13 fails while in Lunar orbit?

    Heres an interesting question; what if the oxygen tanks weren't stirred until after the CSM/LEM had entered Lunar orbit? There are two scenarios here: Scenario 1: The CSM explodes before the landing is attempted. This one is fairly simple and boils down to whether or not the LEM had enough ∆V...
  7. What if Spartacus left Italy to found a kingdom in Germania

    Essentially the idea is Spartacus goes to eastern Germania specifically the polish region with his army and founds a kingdom what would be the consequences of this considering a lot of the slaves were quite educated.
  8. Sam Biswas

    What would’ve take for Halifax to become a competing industrial city in North America?

    Located in the Eastern coast of Nova Scotia, is one of the largest city in the Canadian Maritime with population of over 400,000 in total. And yet despite of that, if you're comparing to other major cities in New England (such as Boston and even Portland) and even other major cities in Canada...
  9. Pstar77

    Photos of Command And Conquer: Red Alert Universe

    Inspired by the photos-from-featherstons-confederacy-tl-191 and photos-of-the-kaiserreich thread. Only this thread will deal with the red alert series. Any photos are fine as long it DOESENT get us in trouble 1.
  10. Sam Biswas

    What would happen if Michèle Flournoy was president of the United States instead of George W. Bush?

    Presume if Michèle Flournoy ran for the oval office and manage to persuade the media and the public interest to vote for him, and after the inauguration, how would it play out differently under a Flournoy administration? Please, just please don't ask me why your thinking she couldn't able to...
  11. Sam Biswas

    What would happen if Leon Panetta became president of the United States instead of George W. Bush?

    Presume if Leon Panetta ran for the oval office and manage to persuade the media and the public interest to vote for him, and after the inauguration, how would it play out differently under a Panetta administration? Please don't ask me why your thinking he couldn't able to nor have any interest...
  12. Sam Biswas

    What would happen if Josette Sheeran was president of the United States instead of George W. Bush?

    Presume if Josette Sheeran ran for the oval office and somehow manage to persuade the media and the public interest to vote for her, and after the inauguration, how would it play out differently under a Sheeran administration? Please don't ask me why she couldn't able to nor having interest to...
  13. Sam Biswas

    What would happen if Colin Powell became president of the United States instead of George W. Bush?

    Presume if Colin Powell ran for the oval office and manage to persuade the media and the public interest to vote for him, and after the inauguration, how would it play out differently under a Powell administration? Colin Powell, (born April 5, 1937), is a United States statesman and a retired...
  14. Sam Biswas

    What if the entire Finland was annexed by the Soviet Union, similar to the Baltic States?
  15. Sam Biswas

    What if Canada (throughout the 19th and 20th century) became a superpower?

    Reasons why Canada didn’t became a superpowers? “Other writers have already identified the order-of-magnitude population difference between Canada and the US as the immediate reason. This difference in populations between...
  16. Sam Biswas

    The if the Spanish sold the Philippines to Russia on the aftermath of the Spanish-American War?
  17. Sam Biswas

    What if the Irish didn't emigrate to America during the 19th Century?

    Irish Americans Most of the 19th-century Irish Catholic immigrant families settled primarily in the Northeast and Midwest port cities such as Boston, Philadelphia, New York, Buffalo, or Chicago. In the beginning of the early 19th century, many Irish migrated individually to the interior for...
  18. The Camelry Has Arrived

    This is a series of maps of Old World empires: And now look at the pre-Columbian New World empires: We're not 100% sure why Old World empires were so huge and New World empires so small, but a good guess is that the Old World took advantage of a mammal called Equus ferus--the horse...
  19. Sam Biswas

    What if Hitler became a doctor and cures cancer and other diseases? (UPDATE)

    Instead of becoming an artist, Hitler decided to pursue the goal in medical field. Despite of becoming a physician, Hitler would probably be still drafted to the German military during WWI like in are timeline. However unlike in are timeline, due to his medical degree he was instead drafted to...
  20. Sam Biswas

    What if Denmark won the Gunboat War and still keeps the possession of Norway? Presume if the Dano-Norwegian government had the manpower to build huge numbers of gunboats that were not only very manoeuvrable, but strong enough to resist multiple hits and able to stand rough seas. If this wasn’t enough, then please checkout my...