almohad caliphate

  1. No Almohads?

    The founder of the movement that eventually led to the creation of the Almohad Caliphate, Ibn Tumart, was a puritan Muslim scholar who got into all sorts of trouble during his life. According to Wikipedia: What if he drowned or was left behind by the sailors, years before he launched his...
  2. Abd ar-Rahman II

    How much land could the Almohad realistically gain with a victory at Las Navas de Tolosa

    How much land could the Almohad realistically take with a big victory at Las navas de los Tolosa i have seen a lot of scenario were that lead to a semi Re-Reconquista were the vast majority of the peninsula end in Muslim control (wich seem a little improbable to me since Leon didn’t participated...
  3. Abd ar-Rahman II

    WI : Muslim Victory at Alcoraz 1096 / Aragonese Disaster Zaragoza Taifa Survival

    Sinche Sancho Ramirez the kingdom of Aragon become in growing threat to the Hudid Taifa of Zaragoza expanding little by little in the Taifa former territory even if with some setback (the Taifa of Zaragoza was one of the strongest Taifa around and wasn’t exactly defenseless ) in 1094 Sancho died...
  4. WI: Muhammad al-Nasir holds his ground

    Whether history repeats itself or merely rhymes, one can find a lot of parallels in historical events. For example, Darius III's retreat at Gaugamela would be echoed over a millennium later by Muhammad al-Nasir at the Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa after Sancho VII of Navarre unexpectedly led an...