
  1. After an Axis victory, what would the inevitable Axis collapse look like?

    Something I've wondered about, seeing a lot of TLs and discussions about an Axis victory in WW2, but few that take it all the way to its natural conclusion; Nazi Germany's eventual fall decades after the war (although far sooner than a thousand years). How it would come about, what it would look...
  2. If Japan & Germany got defeated between January to December 1944 , how much naval,tank, weapons could the Soviets and Wallies get from them?

    Including countries that changed sides like Italy, Romania and Bulgaria. If the main participants (USSR,USA,UK and France) defeat Germany and Japan in any month of 1944 and in the minuscle chance they be willing to share what leftovers are available, what would they have at their disposal ? I am...
  3. World Mapping

    Would WW2 happen if the Central Powers won WW1?

    Would WW2 happen if the Central Powers won WW1?
  4. How will modern Europeans react to a 1st world Assyrian country deep within Central Europe?

    What if some ancient Assyrians went and settled deep within Central Europe before the first Persian empire even existed then they fully established a classic powerful ancient Assyrian civilization there with a classic ruthless brutal professional ancient Assyrian military? They were unconquered...
  5. What if Vichy France joins the Allies

    What if Vichy France joined the Allies. This may seem confusing but let me explain. In October 1940 Vichy France invades Equatorial Africa and drives out the Free French, De Gaulle commits suicide and the only remaining Free French territories are just some islands in the Pacific. Britain...
  6. tonycat77

    AHC: Worst possible large airforce for WW2?

    Something i thought about it last night, i've always lurked here and seem those "improve x by y year" or "best possible equipment for x", but how about the worst? Since i basically know nothing on logistics or doctrine, let's focus on equipment. Axis or Allies Bonus if either one gets to fight...
  7. RedTerra

    Allies Aren’t Destroyed in Belgium... Now What? [1940-Onwards]

    So, I’ve been reading the Fall of France and it really seems like the Allies lost due to a huge strategic blunder. That being rushing into the Low Countries and being completely cut off through the Ardennes. The best and most well equipped Allied divisions being annihilated or abandoning their...
  8. AHC germany-led allies VS Soviet union

    I would like for you beautiful people to actually make the soviet union the aggressor in WW2 and then make the europeans(+the brits) ally SPONTANEOUSLY with nazi germany(if you need to remove Hitler from power and put someone else in charge, then do it, less, or even no jews killed=more manpower...
  9. Aztekk

    DBWI: Allied victory in World War I

    Germany and her allies' victory in World War I was one of the most important events of the 20th century. What if Germany loses the war? What if the Allies manage to win instead? I've heard that maybe if America is drawn into the war the Allies could've won, but I find it unlikely given Wilson's...
  10. Duke Andrew of Dank

    DBWI: Axis Japan, Allied USSR

    As well all know, the USSR, formerly Russia, was not too happy about losing all that territory in Eastern Europe. This led to their infamous alliance with Nazi Germany that only stayed together thanks to the fact both nations wanted that parts of Poland that belonged to them before 1914. Japan...
  11. DBWI: Yamato Dynasty Survives World War II

    The Japanese Imperial Family was abolished after Japan surrendered to the allied powers at the very end of the Second World War. This was a major stumbling block during the negotiations and caused some serious setbacks and stumbling blocks for negotiatiors on both sides. In fact originally...
  12. What Could the Allies Have Done to Stop the Holocaust?

    For decades, historians have debated just what the Allies could have done to stop the Holocaust. In your judgement, what actions could the Allies have taken in order to end (or at the least limit) the atrocities committed by the Nazis?
  13. Gukpard

    Old Guard generals that could have served in WWII.

    I confess that I came with the idea of this thread after reading about Adna Chaffee Jr. because of a strategy game. In OTL he was not able to fight in WWII as he died in 1941, but what if he did? In Germany August Von Mackensen died in 1945 and I sure that Britain and France had old guard...
  14. Duke Andrew of Dank

    AHC: The Iberian Theater

    Simply put, a version of the Second World War where Iberia is more heavily involved than Franco simply supporting the USSR invasion.
  15. Gukpard

    The republicans wins the spanish civil war = Portugal join the allies?

    For context, in 1926 the portuguese republic was crumbling and a military coup happened, in 1933 there was a referendum that reformed Portugal into a far right catholic state built in 19th century nostalgia under the dictator Oliveira Salazar. He helped Franco in the civil war with militias and...
  16. DBWI: Germany wasn't being partitioned after WW2

    As you know, in the aftermath of WW2, the Allies have realized that a united and militaristic Germany would be a serious threat to Europe and the rest of the world, considering the atrocities committed by the Germans in the Holocaust. So they decided to partition Germany into five different...
  17. SpaceOrbisGaming

    What if Italy joined France and the Allies

    What would world war 2 look like with Italy now sided with the Allies? Does the war end sooner?
  18. Extremely competent and lucky Hungary during WW2

    Caution: Many of you might find this proposed background sceniario to be borderline impossible. I understand and agree, but please, let's try focusing on the actual question and not the background. Background: During the German occupation of Austria, Hungary sends its army to occupy...
  19. AHC: War of the Americas!

    With a series of PODs as far back as 1890-1910. Have a continental war in World War I or World War II (or both) where most countries on the American continent face each other with wars in Afro-Eurasia and Oceania. An example would be: - Allies * United States * Canada * Mexico * Chile *...
  20. Gukpard

    A little guide for axis Brazil scenarios.

    Hello everyone, I gonna write this as a guide for WWII scenarios where the writter wants to have a axis Brazil or a axis inclined Brazil, I think I don't need to say that I am absolutely against the axis, but since there are a lot of scenarios with Brazil drifting towards the bloc, I decided to...