
  1. AHQ/WI: Expansionist Etruscans?

    One scenario that fascinates me is what if the Romans never rose to power because the Etruscan League beat them during the Roman–Etruscan Wars, which have absolutely huge butterflies regarding world history. I ask here if had they beaten/absorbed Rome, would the Etruscan League have expanded...
  2. Cascadiawank

    AHQ: How could Palestinian region around Acre survive?

    The UN Partition Plan for Palestine notably split the Arab (or Palestinian) state into four pieces. Two of them survive to this day (kinda), although in a reduced form, becoming modern-day Gaza Strip and West Bank. However two of them have been occupied and annexed by Israel, and are today...
  3. BloodAndIron

    AHQ: Interesting endings to WWI?

    World War I alternate histories are very fun to read, although there are a lot simply looking at a Central Powers victory, a stronger victory for the allies, or a basic stalemate. But what are some unique endings that aren't one side victory or a stalemate. For example Germany winning on one...
  4. AHQ: USSR Secession Article Legitimate, Who Leaves and When?

    Article 17 of the 1936 Soviet Constitution allows Union Republics (Ukrainian SSR, Georgian SSR, etc...) to secede from the USSR legally if they so choose. The issue is despite the government being a federation, the party would in practice never allow such dissent to take place. Republics like...
  5. AHQ/AHC: Anti-Scandinavian Sentiments a thing?

    In terms of ethnic European cultures, Anti-Slavic sentiment has long occurred throughout history, as did Ant-Italian and Amti-Irish sentiments, where all of them were discriminated and persecuted against. However, has anti-nordic sentiments ever happened, where people from Norway, Sweden...
  6. How early could America have an "anime boom"?

    How early could anime become widely popular in the United States?
  7. What foreign support could an anti-Qing rebellion get in the 19th century?

    Let's say a major anti-Qing rebellion that's not as crazy as the Taiping Rebellion erupts sometime in the 19th century. What kind of foreign support could it get?
  8. How powerful could Pre-Islamic Arabia get?

    After the rise of Islam, Arabia was able to not only go toe-to-toe with two of the most powerful empires of its day, but destroy one and give the other a severe beating. This was an enormously pivotal event in world history, and some historians consider it to have been one of the events that...
  9. AHQ What territories would have The Roman Empire gained after the siege of constantinople in 1453

    I am currently making a map where The Roman Empire lasted until 1507 or longer and i would like to know what territories would the roman empire get after a victory in the siege of Constantinople? Thanks in advance for answering the question. I will also make a new thread about the map and add...
  10. How early could something like fascism develop?

    Fascism is one of the most notorious ideologies to ever exist, to the point that the word "fascist" is used as a pejorative. However, academic Roger Griffin managed to work out a definition of fascism: To put it more simply, fascism is a far-right ideology that is populist, militarist...
  11. AltoRegnant

    Battle of Britain If France Fights On?

    Say that the french mainland is still occupied, but the 3rd Republic stays in the fight (maybe they're under a more hawkish leadership). Obviously this doesn't change the ground front, but could the French Airforce be retrieved to Britain or Algiers? What impact could this mean for the Blitz?
  12. AltoRegnant

    Could The Entente Win Without America?

    it's often floated as a POD for a central power victory that the us doesn't enter after brest-livtosk. I've used it in some AHCs a few times. But i want to know, should wilson remain isolationist, could the british, french, and Italian forces win the great war? What would this alternative treaty...
  13. What might a 20th century Chinese dynasty look like?

    I've read that for much of the Republic of China's history, starting sometime during the Warlord Era, there were many who wanted to bring about a new dynasty. Of course, there were two attempts at making China a monarchy again, but neither lasted very long. Let's say that someone succeeds at...
  14. AltoRegnant

    AHQ Could Prussia Be Convinced To Side With Napoleon?

    OTL, Prussia was key in Napoleon's eventual defeat, and was probably the least great of the european great powers before Napoleon mucked spain up. Given that Napoleon was allied to spain and only moved against them when they sucked as an ally, and had some sort of truce with Austria (given his...
  15. SunKing105

    AHQ: Could Alexander IV and Roxane escape from Cassander?

    After the Second War of the Diadochi ended and Cassander had defeated and killed Olympias and forced Polyperchon out of Macedon, he gained custody over the titular king Alexander IV and his mother Roxane. Cassander kept them in a citadel in Amphipolis under the supervision of Glaucias, a...
  16. SunKing105

    AHQ: Greek Carthage?!

    An interesting idea was bouncing in my head for some time and it makes me wonder, what if Carthage was founded by Greek settlers instead of Phoenician ones? A stronger colonization focus in North Africa is probably needed, but I’m not aware of what POD’s would be needed to achieve this? Is this...
  17. SunKing105

    AHQ: How would the collapse of the Achaemenid Empire play out without Alexander?

    So let’s say that Alexander either never exists or never conquers the Achaemenid Empire. Maybe he dies at the Granicus River, or gets hit by a stray sling bullet at Gaza. Either way, the Achaemenid Empire survives intact. However, the Achaemenids had to deal with jealous satraps, disloyal...
  18. SunKing105

    AHQ: Hannibal bypassing the Alps

    So in 218 BC, the Second Punic War started after Rome allied with Saguntum, in violation of the treaty with Carthage that Rome was to remain north of the Ebro river, and Hannibal besieged and took the city. He continued, eventually crossing the Alps, where he lost much of his army and his...
  19. 19th century fascism?

    Since fascism is widely (and rightly) considered to be one of the most despicable ideologies in history, there's been a lot of discussion of its history and ideological underpinnings. While fascism proper got its start in World War I, its has its ideological roots in the fin de siècle movement...
  20. How would other minority groups fare in a victorious CSA?

    I think it goes without saying that a Confederate victory in the ACW would be very bad for Southern African-Americans. Slavery would most likely continue for at least a few decades. But what about other minority groups in the South? What would things be like for them?