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  1. AHC/WI: Barack Obama IS Born in Kenya

    i'm not certain that the courts would ever touch that issue without being compelled to do so by political actions from one of the other two branches of government. Even so, the SCOTUS is compromised in the matter, two justices having been appointed by Obama. Those two justices would probably...
  2. AHC/WI: Barack Obama IS Born in Kenya

    DISCLAIMER: i am a 'birther' and not a member of either of the two major political parties. John S. McCain III was born in a military hospital in the Panama Canal Zone. SOFA (status of forces agreement) at the time makes him a natural born American Citizen. In modern times, the real issue...
  3. AHC: Utah-like Jewish state in western USA

    The Nazis weren't about to accuse the Jews of being "Christ Killers". Christ was a good Jewish boy you see...;) The Nazi elitists, particularly the wackos like Himmler were into that "good old religion" of pagan Norse Gods.
  4. Al Gore Sr. signs Southern Manifesto

    Offhand, i'd have to say that it eliminates the burden of Al Gore Jr. having his father live vicariously through his efforts for the White House. Less pressure from Daddy's ghost. This might make Gore Jr. a more acceptable candidate to the American People. He's not seen as 'waffling' so much...
  5. WI: Another Vietnam After Vietnam

    In terms of the size of US forces, it's ASB. We simply don't have that much force to project any more. The Active Army is at 10 Divisions, and the Marines to three Expeditionary Forces, so something larger than the US committment to Desert Storm simply isn't going to happen barring a...
  6. drug prohibition and prohjbition avoided, diffent attitudes

    there's your POD. Have the 1937 stamp act challenged and declared unconstitutional. After all, you're just a couple of decades removed from Prohibition, which DID take a constitutional amendment. It's not the SCOTUS of the late 20th Century.
  7. AHC: More nuclear weapons used in war?

    One good candidate would be the Soviet-Sino border conflicts of the 60's. Those were pretty ugly.
  8. Music and Longer Vietnam War?

    Excuse me? That's misleading. Historically military suicide rates have been below that of the general population. In fact the rate is rising for the military. We can argue causuality at some other time in some other place with some other people, but the rate is increasing. i'm retired...
  9. Music and Longer Vietnam War?

    Maybe some stuff that's darker on one side of the popular music spectrum. From what we've seen about long term conflicts OTL with almost 11 years of combat and an increasing number of suicides among the military, dark is probably going to come out with a longer Vietnam conflict. Because the...
  10. AHC: Christian "Al-Qaeda"

    Ok, i have a nice little situation that i can run before you. DISCLAIMER: Nothing stated in this thread necessarily represents my political or religious views, or is intended as an attempt to defame any real group mentioned. This is FICTION, not opinion. CHRISTIAN RECONSTRUCTIONISM. At times...
  11. Ron Paul as president 2012

    i haven't kept up on it, but i've heard that some Army Troops are on their seventh combat deployment. Considering that the early tours were 15 months for the Army, that's over seven years away from their families for career soldiers. We're reaching the point where US involvement in the...
  12. The Anglo/American - Nazi War

    i've fired it full auto. It wasn't easy to control. It was a good dependable weapon though. The thing is still in service as a marksman weapon. They've made it a lot 'sexier' than it was when i first trained on it...never mind how long ago.:(
  13. Ron Paul as president 2012

    The US actually has sufficient basing for troops to be pulled home. Remember, we've mothballed quite a few bases, and the US Army was reduced to 10 active Divisions, and 3 Marine Corps Expeditionary Forces (Divisions + attachments). i can tell you that other governments would breath a sigh of...
  14. The Anglo/American - Nazi War

    i would NOT want to try and fire the M-14 full auto if it was chambered for 30-06. Of course, it wasn't a lot of fun with 7.62 x 51mm NATO either.
  15. Ron Paul as president 2012

    A bit of reality from a Paul supporter Have you ever read what Ron Paul's agenda is? End the Department of Energy End the Department of Education End the tax collection department of the IRS Allowing commodity based currencies to compete against the Federal Reserve FULL audit the Federal...
  16. AHC: More successful Tet Offensive for the Vietcong

    Actually not. It wasn't until Cronkite made his statement on CBS that Giap reasoned the Tet Offensive to be anything but a disaster. Militarily speaking it was a disaster for the Viet Cong. The North almost gave up the war.
  17. More diseases eradicated

    Thanks for the 411 on that. i haven't kept up with all the facility closings.
  18. More diseases eradicated

    Semantics. However i was speaking of regeneration, not surgically planting an externally grown limb. You might want to take a look at some of the treatments presently being used on casualties at Walter Reed (have they closed it down yet?). Adult stem cells are going to be the break through...
  19. World War III in May 1946

    If you're speaking of OTL, they had complete air superiority back then and essentially zero German aircraft to contend with. And plans never survive first contact with the enemy. You don't think that the British can't read a map and figure out what the Soviets are likely to do? For somebody...
  20. Ron Paul as president 2012

    i think you are a bit short sighted here. Paul, being the substantially younger, articulate person who was the OTL Libertarian Party candidate will probably be a mirror image of his son, OTL Senator Rand Paul (R-KY). There are some differences that the elder Paul needs to work on. First, Ron...