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  1. Abnormally Suasive
    Threadmarks: Chapter Six 1880:

    Richard gradually recovered from his failure to move Jackie Graham. There would not be another female that would catch his eye for good 20 years. He dated, flirted and occasionally kissed a number of girls, but in the back of his mind he was always comparing them to Ms. Graham. To his teenage...
  2. Abnormally Suasive

    Well, thank you Carlos. I'm going to try and get more writing done.
  3. Abnormally Suasive
    Threadmarks: Chapter 5:

    It would take another six months before Richard consciously uses his abilities. A new girl joined his schoolroom. Her name was Jackie Graham, and she was the most beautiful thing that Richard had ever seen. Spurred on by his hormones, he gathered up the courage to speak with her. The...
  4. Abnormally Suasive

    I think I see what you're trying to convey. In the end empathy is more powerful because of all the different situations it can mitigate. Whereas sympathy really limits your options.
  5. Abnormally Suasive

    Huh, really? I just don't see it that way. An empathetic person would not be moved to get involved on a deeper level. They understand, or try to understand all sides of the situation. They can go home at night because they have no skin in the game. A sympathetic person would pick sides and...
  6. Abnormally Suasive
    Threadmarks: Chapter 4:

    If you may recall your preteen years, for the most part, you were pretty confident of, well, everything. You considered yourself worldly and wise and able to do almost anything your mind could conceive. No obstacle seems too great or challenges impossible to conquer. My epiphany occurred when a...
  7. Abnormally Suasive

    I have a nitpick to your nitpick, Professor. I go with Mirriam Webster's explanation of the differences. " sympathy is when you share the feelings of another; empathy is when you understand the feelings of another but do not necessarily share them." A sympathetic person has to choose sides in...
  8. Abnormally Suasive
    Threadmarks: Chapter 3:

    Until age 12, Richard led a pretty idyllic childhood for his day and age. Then things changed when he developed empathy, empathy for a friend who lost their father, which grew into empathy for the children in his class who were forced to quit school. The families were so poor that they sold...
  9. Abnormally Suasive

    Another factor in how the Kelly’s made ends meet, was the fact that Mrs. Eloise Bose Kelly had a knack for getting the best prices on anything she bought. From the basic commodities the family needed, to a few luxury items like horehound candy. Possibly the father and son’s gift stemmed from...
  10. Abnormally Suasive

    Slow but sure Rolen. Just like World War III 1946 Glad you like it so far.
  11. Abnormally Suasive
    Threadmarks: The Joke

    Mom and dad Kelly used to lead the tours which would include following an unusually long track of a man-sized dinosaur. The tracks would angle off to the northwest and intersect a fence and then continue on into a wooded area. Invariably Ma or Pa Kelly would attempt the same joke. The guide...
  12. Abnormally Suasive
    Threadmarks: The Long Depression

    Richard was not a part of any of these endeavors and was free to grow up as a child should. A good number of his contemporaries had to quit school and join the labor force by the age of eight. Child labor was rampant on the eastern seaboard in the 1870s. Not quite as bad as the coal mines in...
  13. Abnormally Suasive
    Threadmarks: Irv

    Irv was a shrewd Yankee trader and a good mechanic who could do most anything he put his hand to. Irv sort of caught the “Christmas tree bug” from the Kellys and decided to drive his truck up to Vermont and pick up a load of retail trees at the source. Arriving in tree country, he stopped to ask...
  14. Abnormally Suasive

    Chapter 2: The father, Richard Gardiner Kelly, was born on Apr. 15, 1868. By all surface accounts, his life was boringly normal. He was, however, dilatory in learning to speak. In fact, he was excessively late. The probable cause was his ability to communicate quite extraordinary by facial...
  15. Abnormally Suasive

    Chapter 1 This story will involve a lot of history, copious amounts of facts, and I probably will not skimp on statistics as well. In order to keep you engaged and reading further, I should reveal Richard and his son, Mark’s talent. It’s straightforward really. They were the two most suasive...
  16. Abnormally Suasive

    Abnormally Suasive (Our Altered History Explained} This is a tale of a father and son, two generations of men who had an extraordinary gift. The father was born in 1868 and lived to the ripe old age of 90, dying in 1958. The son was born in 1908 and almost reached 90 years old, dying in...
  17. Abnormally Suasive

    Prologue Human history is full of unexplained events and choices. Some human events defy logic. People make choices that are diametrically opposed to their well-being, along with the odd selection that leads to some great discovery. In so-called, “free market” societies, almost all decisions...
  18. The Luftwaffe, just a bit better for 1940?

    Speaking of gaming it out, I created a mod for Strategic Command: WWII in Europe. The mod simulated BOB from a strategic level. One of the variants I offered was "What If " the Luftwaffe used drop tanks. There was no other changes to the scenario but the addition of extended range for the...
  19. Improbable yet True Events or Black Swans

    More, more! I'm greedy.
  20. World War III in May 1946

    ...the hour with his barber kit and ready to work.” The intercom says something and the General walks back to his mirror and takes out his comb. *** If you will recall, General Green was the commander of the 10th Armored Division. The Division was decimated by the General’s inept leadership...