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  • spoonzandforkz

  • Forgive me for asking, but I casually stumbled upon your old research thread in the Help forum, and found it quite interesting. If you ever finished it and would be alright with sharing it, I'd enjoy reading it!

    Best Regards.
  • Ricardolindo

  • Since you know so much about Russian history, I have a question: Are you Russian or of Russian descent?
    • Like
    Reactions: Salvador79
    Hi! No, I'm German. I'm just fascinated by the topic. Are you Russian? If so, any help is very welcome...!
    No, as can be seen in my profile, I'm Portuguese.
  • Alienspacebats


  • Hey, since you seem like writing timeline about elary modern and classical republicanism...

    Could it be possible, that you would join my list game "List of Alternate Doge, Stadtholder and Consuls"
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