Recent content by Socialist-teen

  1. 1992 Uk General Election-If the Polls had been right.

    Kinnock Announces Cabinet. Prime Minister-Neil Kinnock Deputy Prime Minister and Home Secretary-Roy Hattersley Chancellor of the Exchequer-John Smith Foreign Secretary-Gerald Kaufman Defence Secretary-Martin O'Neil Trade and Industry Secretary-Jack Straw Energy Secretary-Tony Blair Leader of...
  2. 1992 Uk General Election-If the Polls had been right.

    Newsnight (April 10th 1992) Jeremy Paxman: With Me now I have Former Secretary of State for The Environment for the last year and a half and Defence Secretary from 1983 to 1986 Michael Heseltine. Now Mister Heseltine in the wake of your Parties defeat last night do you think your knifing...
  3. 1992 Uk General Election-If the Polls had been right.

    BBC Election Coverage Final Results Kinnock Addresses Members at Labour Party HQ "Friends I hope you can hear me. Its seems we do not have a loud a speaker. It is now Clear that we have prevailed in this election and that we will indeed have a majority in the next parliament. I Cannot...
  4. 1992 Uk General Election-If the Polls had been right.

    BBC Election Night DD: If You are still with us, we are approaching half past three in the morning and we have 595 Results in and It is Now Clear that after Almost thirteen years on the Government Benches that the Conservatives have lost Power. So Far Labour Have Won 315, Up 86 seats on their...
  5. 1992 Uk General Election-If the Polls had been right.

    BBC Election Night DD: With 322 Results in, Lets just see the State of the Parties. Conservative-94 (-58) Labour-216 (+58) LibDem-9 (+1) Nationalists-3 (N.C) Other-0 (-1) DD: Now our Forecast is predicting a Labour Majority of 7,Could be more could be less. Now to Peter to show us what this...
  6. 1992 Uk General Election-If the Polls had been right.

    BBC Election Night Exit Poll- Conservative-39%-301 (286-316) Labour-38%-298 (283-313) Liberal Democrat-18%-24 (19-29) Other-5%-28 (25-32) (Margin of Error- +/- 2%) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- David Dimbleby: It seems that Sunderland South...
  7. List Political Parties of Alternate Countries

    The american commonwealth of provinces THE AMERICAN COMMONWEALTH OF PROVINCES. Founded in 1825 after the loss of the revolutionary war and loose provincial governance from 1794 onward. Andrew Jackson negotiated a deal with the king and the prime minister to allow the north american colonies to...
  8. Bush seen as a great president. No Tea Party ect?

    in 2000 it wasnt just the recount it was the fact that jeb bush the governor of florida at the time enforced laws made in the reconstruction saying pardoned felons couldnt vote this alone denied 2000 african american voters the right to vote and the fact that on election day that over 3500...