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  • CEL

  • What's it like being a city?
    Samarkand 1
    Lots of people, lots of street life, a fair bit of crime, hustle and bustle. At least, for the central Canadian city I live in. Someplace like Houston or LA would have a different vibe.
    • Like
    Reactions: CEL
    *ahem* Do you sometimes wish that Babur or his descendants had successfully reclaimed you from the Shaybanids, Samarkand?
  • LostArchivist

  • I just made an account here. Behold my omnipresent tendrils of reading! :D
    ...Are you still working on A Spark of Ice and Fire? Damn, that thing's an epic on par with the actual books.
    If you do return to it, can you add threadmarks or crosspost it, though?
    I think it would do very well on Archive of Our Own. Every once in a while I reread it here... It's never too late to continue, or at least write an epilogue.
  • D.A.1210

  • Is your so story dead if yes can you at least tell us the summarize ending and or threadmark the damn thing pls
  • Sagoberattare

  • Hello,

    I'm new here and only signed up so that I could read your story, being a fan of both Girl Genius and Fire and Ice. But now I can't seem to find it. Could you kindly tell me how to find it? I'd really appreciate that.

    Thank you
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