Recent content by Ranchoth

  1. Photos from Alternate Worlds II (read FAQ first)

    Inspired by current box office performances... "Course Correction"
  2. Photos from Alternate Worlds II (read FAQ first)

    Well, "Spider-Girl" was inspired by a bit of online fan-casting about a modern Mayday Parker series (with actress Sophia Lillis in the title role)that was making the rounds a few months back, and "How I Met Your Father" a real show that actually runs on Disney+, in some markets. Everything...
  3. Photos from Alternate Worlds II (read FAQ first)

    Something I've been puttering around with. "Alternate production/acquisition results":
  4. WI: Charles and Camilla go on to have children after their marriage?

    The record for oldest age confirmed pregnancy via natural conception was actually 59. Almost a freak occurrence, but, swans are half the fun of alternate histories, right?
  5. WI: Middle Eastern cuisine in timeline without Islam

    ...which will only make it's seizure that much easier, or that much less catastrophic. Or might get built into a metropolis by someone else: Above: The Great Statue of Kuan Yu on the Tigris, Baegdaed. The campus of the famed Tsenkher Tuuz Hospitality Academy visible in the background appears...
  6. WI: Middle Eastern cuisine in timeline without Islam

    Could be, sure! But with enough dice rolls and butterflies, you might get an exotic situation where the Ilkhanate seizes Baghdad intact and peacefully, the Khan marries in to the Byzantine Empire (or, as some scholars later put it, "Abaqa bought Constantinople with Constantinople's money")...
  7. WI: Middle Eastern cuisine in timeline without Islam

    Really outside option: Due to changes in socio-military structure, the Levant and Middle East aren't able to withstand the Mongol Invasions of the 13th century nearly as well, with the OTL Muslim regions largely falling completely under the political control of the Khanates, and ultimately the...
  8. NBC’s “Supertrain” drama from the Spring of 1979 somehow strikes a chord?

    Extra-unlikely, curveball answer: have the tastes of American/western audiences changed just enough to be able to accept animated non-comedies as passably serious adult entertainment (or at least, not strictly little kid fare), and make it as a cartoon with comparably lower production costs...
  9. Alt-History Aftermath Scenarios Implied by Media

    The really (only?) mindscrew-y theory I can imagine...we know that the changes to the timeline went beyond one little boy disappearing or not disappearing in the 60s. Present-day Brantford, at the start of the film, was in economic collapse, the major shoe company had gone under completely...
  10. Photos from Alternate Worlds II (read FAQ first)

    Well, yes. Three, actually. He literally has the receipts for at least two of them.
  11. What are some ways for a country to artificially increase its population?

    Yearly $1 billion prize awarded to one random newborn's parent/s—guaranteed winner, multiple births from the same pregnancy get $400 million each. I'm joking, of course. You could probably get the same result for much less than $1 billion.
  12. Photos from Alternate Worlds II (read FAQ first)

    Depends on the version, but I'm seeing few if any references to him being an outright enemy of Arthur or his knights.
  13. Photos from Alternate Worlds II (read FAQ first)

    The Green Knight, obviously.
  14. Fascist, Racist, But Not Queerphobic Organizations/Ideologies?'d just be cheating to found my own, right?
  15. What existing fiction might look like in alternate timelines

    Heh. On a related, but regrettably non-graphic note, I've had the outline for an X-Men (cinematic version) fanfic bouncing around in my head for a few years now, which starts cranking down on the Alternate History handle hard at around the late 60s. God knows if I'll ever get around to...